Hi, I need help with my project, I have a 24V dc motor with an encoder, It doesn't work with so i decided to use a joistick to drive my motor, with an H bridge anyway. I have a L298N H bridge, it works with 24V teorically but once i give it a command it brake out. What kind of H bridge can I use? There is a solution for make encoder work?
The rated (maximum safe continuous) current for that motor is 3.5 A at 24 V, so the start/stall current is probably 3 times that, or 10 A. Choose a motor driver and power supply capable of handling at least 10 A at 24 V.
This circuit will work for one direction of rotation only (make sure to use a logic level MOSFET):
My ps give 4A in output and for me are good because I've tried to connect motor to PS and it work very good with strong torque. I need a module that work like an H bridge because I need two working directions. If L298N doesn't good do you suggest me another one?
Anyone has idea for the encoder? It don't read the movement of motor
That data sheet says the start/stall current can be as high as 25A for the 24V motor. The power supply and motor driver must be able to handle that (briefly).
The posted code works to show if the encoder is working, but that code will not give you encoder counts. Try the Encoder library to read the encoder. The Encoder library is available through the IDE library manager. And documentation here.
What is the output of the encoder? If it is open collector/drain you will need pullup resistors on the encoder inputs to the Arduino.
I was fiddling with the phone and didn't see that one.
Yes, that's good. Read the second last line! Go for a driver that manages 12 amp. That's the momentary current at start.
This is not true: many modern drivers are capable of current limiting, so the driver only needs to be large enough to overcome initial friction and torque, start the motor turning in the desired amount of time, and to satisfy the demands while running.
The above has an example how a motor with a stall current of 3.3 A is used with driver that is set to limit the current to 1.5 A.
No, and no one ever recommends using it. Quite the contrary and with good reason (the large voltage drop), as you are well aware. Lack of current limiting is another.
I my opinion the very first current rush is named stall current, the same as for blocked motor. If the driver is protecting itself against over current it needs to produce enough current for the motor to start turning. If the driver is not protecting itself the current spike might damage the driver. Quite some facts to look for when using heavy motors compared to the driver.
Hope the OP has use for our discussion.