Have a problem with control 3 stepper motor using Arduino uno

#include <AccelStepper.h>
#include <MultiStepper.h>
#include <math.h>

// Define pins for the steppers

// stepper 1 truc X drive giữa
#define ENA_PIN1 0
#define STEP_PIN1 1
#define DIR_PIN1 2

//stepper 2 truc Y driver bên trái ngoài cùng
#define ENA_PIN2 3
#define STEP_PIN2 4
#define DIR_PIN2 5

//stepper 3 truc Z drive bên phải ngoài cùng
#define ENA_PIN3 8
#define STEP_PIN3 9
#define DIR_PIN3 10

#define stopMotor 11
#define relayPin 12
#define homeXPin A0
#define homeYPin A1
#define homeZPin A2

// Biến trung gian quá trình 
int currentTarget = 0;  // 0: A, 1: B
int detectTarget = 0; // 0: ko thay doi tuong, 1: tim thay doi tuong.
int xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB; // Biến cho vị trí

//setup stepper
AccelStepper stepper1(AccelStepper::DRIVER, STEP_PIN1, DIR_PIN1); // truc X
AccelStepper stepper2(AccelStepper::DRIVER, STEP_PIN2, DIR_PIN2); // Truc Y
AccelStepper stepper3(AccelStepper::DRIVER, STEP_PIN3, DIR_PIN3); // Truc Z

// object MultiStepper
MultiStepper steppers;

void setup() {

  // Setup ENABLE pins
  pinMode(ENA_PIN1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ENA_PIN2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ENA_PIN3, OUTPUT);

  // Setup homePin and sensor
  pinMode(stopMotor, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(homeXPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(homeYPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(homeZPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Setup relayPin
  pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);

  // Enable drivers (ENABLE LOW)
  digitalWrite(ENA_PIN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ENA_PIN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ENA_PIN3, LOW);

  // add steppers in to multiStepper Steppers

  // setup speed for motor
  stepper1.setMaxSpeed(1000); // tối đa là 1000 với full bước hoặc 9400 với bước 1/32



  // Setup home position XYZ

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    String input = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); // Đọc dữ liệu từ Serial
    sscanf(input.c_str(), "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &detectTarget, &xA, &yA, &zA, &xB, &yB, &zB);
    Serial.print("Received: detectTarget: "); Serial.print(detectTarget);
    Serial.print(", xA: "); Serial.print(xA);
    Serial.print(", yA: "); Serial.print(yA);
    Serial.print(", zA: "); Serial.print(zA);
    Serial.print(", xB: "); Serial.print(xB);
    Serial.print(", yB: "); Serial.print(yB);
    Serial.print(", zB: "); Serial.println(zB);

  // move to A to pick up things
  if (detectTarget == 1 && currentTarget == 0) {
    if (digitalRead(stopMotor) == HIGH) { // chưa gặp công tắc hành trình thì vẫn sẽ di chuyển 
      // Move to vị trí đối tượng
      moveToPosition(xA, yA, zA);
      currentTarget = 0;
    } else { // dừng động cơ khi gặp công tắc và bắt đầu đợi di chuyển tới vị trí thùng chứa B
      currentTarget = 1;
      digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);

  // move to B 
  if (currentTarget == 1) {
    // Move to vị trí thùng chứa
    moveToPosition(xB, yB, zB);
    digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
    currentTarget = 0;

  // move to home
  if (currentTarget == 0 && detectTarget == 0) {
    moveToPosition(0, 0, 0);

// calculateSteps with distance
long calculateSteps(float khoangCach) {
  long gocQuay = calculateGocQuay(khoangCach);
  return (gocQuay / 360.0) * 200;  // 200 steps is 1 round (1.8/step)

// move all 3 stepper to position
void moveToPosition(float X, float Y, float Z) {
  long positions[3];
  positions[0] = calculateSteps(X);
  positions[1] = calculateSteps(Y);
  positions[2] = calculateSteps(Z);

  // Di chuyển động cơ đồng bộ
  steppers.runSpeedToPosition();  // Chạy động cơ tới vị trí mục tiêu

long calculateGocQuay(float khoangCach) {
  return (khoangCach * 360) / 8;

// setup homing when start
void homing() {
  bool homingXComplete = false;
  bool homingYComplete = false;
  bool homingZComplete = false;

  while (!homingXComplete || !homingYComplete || !homingZComplete) {
    // Trục X stepper 1 drive giữa
    if (digitalRead(homeXPin) == LOW) {
      stepper1.setCurrentPosition(0); // đặt vị trí hiện tại là gốc
      homingXComplete = true;
    } else {
      stepper1.setSpeed(300);  // Trục X 

    // Trục Y stepper 2 driver bên trái
    if (digitalRead(homeYPin) == LOW) {
      stepper2.setCurrentPosition(0); // đặt lại vị trí hiện tại là gốc
      homingYComplete = true;
    } else {
      stepper2.setSpeed(-300); // Trục Y homing trục Y + là về - là tiến

    // Trục Z stepper 3 drive bên phải
    if (digitalRead(homeZPin) == LOW) {
      stepper3.setCurrentPosition(0); // đặt lại vị trí hiện tại là gốc
      homingZComplete = true;   // Sửa lỗi ở đây
    } else {

// stop all motors
void stopAllMotors() {

What is the problem?
Show your devices and wiring diagram.

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Device I'm using
2 stepper motors 1.2A , 1.8 degrees /step and 1 stepper motor 2A, 1.8 degrees /step.
Arduino circuit using plug-in chip
3 driver DRV8825
1 power supply 24V-10A


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Engine running unstable, sometimes 1 engine not working

sometime i got 1 stepper motor not working

Probably power supply is not supplying enough power.

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Thank you. I will try another power supply.
According to you, how many A power supply should I use?

What voltage are the three motors?
What stepper driver module are you using?

i tried removing the serial lines in the code and it worked. Is it because my arduino uno is too weak

[quote="xfpd, post:9, topic:1317695"] What voltage are the three motors? What stepper driver module are you using? [/quote]

I saw you posted that information. DRV8825 and 24v10A motors...

The datasheet says the voltage is okay, but you need to restrict the current to 2.5A.

8.2-V to 45-V Operating Supply Voltage Range
2.5-A Maximum Drive Current at 24 V


I'm using driver DRV8825 for all
and Vref of driver I setup is 0.6V for stepper motor using 1.2A and 1V for stepper motor 2A

You want to run a 24VDC motor with AA batteries? Okay... 24/1.5 = 16xAA... but maybe you should use a (switching) power supply having 24vdc output.

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this is exactly what I'm using

This shows a typical connection of Arduino, motor, driver and power supply...

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I used this too so I'm pretty sure I connected it correctly.

Is this a DRV8825 carrier?

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yes that's right

// Define pins for the steppers

// stepper 1 truc X drive giữa
#define ENA_PIN1 0
#define STEP_PIN1 1
#define DIR_PIN1 2

I think the reason it was fixed when you removed serial comms is because you are using pins 0 and 1 as stepper1 control pins, they are the pins used for serial comms and programming.

What model Arduino are you using?

Can you please post a copy of your circuit, a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Hand drawn and photographed is perfectly acceptable.
Please include ALL hardware, power supplies, component names and pin labels.

Thanks.. Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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