Hello Everyone, Newbie Here w/ a Project in Mind

Hi everyone. Wow, I found this online and all of the sudden it's all I can think about.

I have a project below, maybe two I would love to experiment with. However, am I over my head since I have no knowledge of electronics (besides basic old car wiring), math, resistors, diodes, programing...

I want to make a keyless entry system that uses the same RFID key for my home, work and car(s).

I am not expecting to do this immidiatly, however inthink this could be done easily with an arduino and some relays right? :slight_smile:

I am ordering my first arduino Monday morning.

Is there anything specific that you can suggest that I order to practice and learn? Or maybe a specific project I should try doing first to learn? (I learn so much better by doing than reading, a little dislexic and definatley have add). :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks in advance for the suggestions.


I want to make a keyless entry system that uses the same RFID key for my home, work and car(s).
I am ordering my first arduino Monday morning.

I think you'll need more than one... One for the house, one for the office, one for each car...

I am not expecting to do this immidiatly, however inthink this could be done easily with an arduino and some relays right?

Yes. presuming you get an RFID reader, to. The Arduino can't read RFID tags by itself.

Or maybe a specific project I should try doing first to learn?

Projects that interest YOU will be more rewarding than those that interested a book author. There are some good books, though. "Getting Started with Arduino" by Massimo Banzi and "Making Things Talk" by Tom Igoe are good books. There is good online book at Earhshine,com, though they keep moving it. You'll need to hunt for it there, or search for them in the forum.

Thank you for your reply.

To clarify, yes, I will need multiple arduinos. However, I want them all to read the same tag. That's what I meant. I found the RFID module, I plan to order that once I prove to myself that I can build a few of the example projects. Then I plan to order the RFID module and relays as soon as I can learn the basics enough to experiment.
Good suggestions. I have seen that book on every store and I will order that as well.



You have the right idea.. get started and figure things out as you go along.

When you get your Arduino and you want to connect it and get the Arduino IDE software installed, you might start here: http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/GettingStarted-Software and some overall perspective here: http://yourduino.com/

And you've started out right: Ask questions. There are friendly people here. Welcome!

Great reply. Thank you very much I will be reading those tonight.

Since I am ordering tomorrow, and I would like to start my project as soon as I feel confident, however don't want to order the wrong board: do you recommend I order a certain package?

I was planning tomorrow to order:
UNO board
Proto board ( I could pass though and use a breadboard to save money right)
12v power adapter (so I can run stepper motor through same adapter later)
USB cord

I figured since I have no idea what I need resister and diode wise, I would just go to frys or radioshack for these. Good idea?

Also do you recommend a servo motor or a stepper motor (and driver) if I were to order a motor with first kit? I assume I will need one of those to turn a pulley to slowly rotate the door handle (can't use striker, it's an apartment and can't alter door or lock, so I'm going to literally build it to turn the knob for me). :slight_smile:

So excited.

I was planning tomorrow to order:
UNO board
Proto board ( I could pass though and use a breadboard to save money right)
12v power adapter (so I can run stepper motor through same adapter later)
USB cord

Each of my Arduinos came with a USB cable, so it should not be necessary to order a separate one. Make sure that the 12v power adapter is capable of delivering the current needed to operate the stepper/servo. How much is that? That really depends on the stepper/servo, which depends on the torque required to operate the door handle. You have the door. Only you can determine that.

Well look at that. I was actually able to pull off part 1 of my project. My RFID keyless entry to my apartment without modifying the door, lock, or striker (I'm not allowed too) is now installed and working beautifully.

I just wanted to say thanks to those who helped me below. I wanted to quit and now that I see progress I am actually ordering another arduino to try more projects.

YouTube video: Arduino Project - Keyless Entry RFID (Part 1) - YouTube