Help in interfacing Arduino Mega and Arduino Mini with 12VDC solenoid valve

I am planning to use these 2 solenoid valves. Each has different function, and I will design separate circuit for each solenoid. I will be using Arduino MEGA for the first solenoid valve, and planning to use Arduino mini for the second one as it just needs button to function.

  1. This solenoid I will use it as a gate valve to close and open the passage of air depending on the time I set (e.g. When I push the start button the solenoid valve will operate 1 cycle = open for 5 seconds, close for 10 mins. this cycle should be done for 6 times continuously).
    Important Specs: N.C, 12VDC, 4.5W

  2. This solenoid valve will control a pneumatic cylinder. It will function to close when the button_A is pushed and will open when button_B is pushed.
    Important Specs: N.O, 12VDC, 3W

Now, I only have this MOSFET available, and I am not sure on how to proceed with designing the connection of my components. Here is the list of my components that I can choose from:

a. 2SK3565 – N channel MOSFET (
b. AQY212S - Solid state relay
c. AQY412EHAX - Solid state relay

I know I got to use a freewheeling diode across the solenoid valve to handle the back EMF from the solenoid when it turns off. But for the first solenoid valve, I will be using this indicating that it has surge voltage suppression. Does it mean I don’t have to place a diode anymore?

I also want to consider using relay, but I don’t want to be dependent on the relay as based on the articles I read relay is mostly used when dealing with AC and MOSFET can be used instead as these solenoid valves are DC operated.
I want to get insights on how I can do my design connections, given the components I must choose from.

Also, my power supply is a switching adapter labels 12V, 1A and wanted to have to power both the solenoid valve and the Arduino board. It’s possible right? Or is it not recommended as I have seen other are recommending to use optocoupler etc.

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Hi I'm sorry I can't delete this post as I came to realize that this question is more suitable to be posted on hardware category.

As you are sure that this topic belongs in the hardware category, although I am not sure that I agree, I have moved it there

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