Help needed - Port grayed out and unable to select my Arduino Uno R3

Hi group,
Purchased an Arduino Uno R3 which has a ATMEGA328P U IC and, have not been able to make it communicate with my laptop (Win 10).
These are the symptoms:

  1. The port is grayed out: Tools>Port
  2. IDE shows Arduino Uno on COM1 (bottom right corner)
  3. I have manually added COM ports on the device manager, but no luck making it work.

Help to get my Arduino communicating with my PC is very much appreciated.

What is the chip closest to the USB port? Square with legs at all sides? Or rectangular with legs at two sides?

The latter is guaranteed to be a clone and you probably need to install the driver.

Please post a link to the board that you bought.

Thanks for getting back to me. Link to the one purchased:

OK, that's the real one. No additional drivers should be needed.

Undo the changes in device manager.

Make sure that the USB cable is properly inserted in both the Uno and the PC.

Try a different USB cable.

Did the following, but no communication still:

  1. I uninstalled the software and installed again (1.8.13).
  2. Checked on Device Manager, but no port shows having the Arduino connected (even tough it has the green "On" light and the blinking orange LED)
  3. Cable was changed, but issue persists.

Also, when trying to upload a program the following error appears (I would believe it has to do with no communication):

avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM1": The system cannot find the file specified.

Any other option? Ran out of ideas

What does your device manager show when you plug in the Arduino?

COM1 is hardly ever the Arduino. After a fresh install it's the default. It's not very useful trying to upload using that if you can't select it under tools -> ports.

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