Hello there,
First, Thank you for taking the time to look at my problem.
Basically, I'm new to arduino and electronic stuff. I'm still learning....
My first project is to build an Simple RC car with smaller elements as much as possible at the same time without too many complex stuff.
So, I chose arduino nano + A Simple DC Motor Driver to drive 2 DC motors ( forward/reverse and turn left/right )
This motor driver I bought is cheap. It contains L293D Motor Driver chip on board without any capacitors, resistors or regulators. ( check diagram )
And Instead of big clumsy 4x AA battery box, I chose to use 9V battery to save space.
My problem:
I connected everything and used a simple code first to test spin the motor from the driver with a delay of 3sec ( forward / reverse )
The pins I used are 10, 9 and 8 ( Please check the schem/diagram )
The motor doesn't work. I mean.. It doesn't spin at all.
When I tried to push start the motor ( clockwise ).. It starts to spin and then stops within 2-3 seconds and I hear a weird strange noise inside the motor.
The motor I'm using..probably a 1.5-3v DC Toy motor. Cause, I ripped an existing RC Chinese CAR to take this motor. It had ceramic capacitors on the motor and on the Chinese circuit it was using a PNP or NPN transistor I guess.
What Am I doing wrong here ? ( What you see on my diagram is what I have right now. )
Your help will be much useful for me to complete this project.
Thank you so much once again for taking the time to read.
Looking forward...