Help with Errors in code for using Arduino Mega as MIDI encoder

I am a cellist and organist and I am trying to convert a 32 note organ pedal board to MIDI for practice at home. I am using the book “MIDI and ARDUINO: organ bass pedal encoders” by Tom Scarff. I plan to use an ARDUINO Mega 2560. I don’t know anything about entering or programming code. I haven’t bought the ARDUINO so it is not connected to my laptop yet. After entering the whole program and verifying I get the following error messages:

C:\Users\macon\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\Arduino12345\Arduino12345.ino: In function 'void loop()':
C:\Users\macon\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\Arduino12345\Arduino12345.ino:79:5: error: 'noteOff' was not declared in this scope
C:\Users\macon\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\Arduino12345\Arduino12345.ino:79:5: note: suggested alternative: 'noteff'
C:\Users\macon\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\Arduino12345\Arduino12345.ino: In function 'void noteOn(byte, byte, byte)':
C:\Users\macon\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\Arduino12345\Arduino12345.ino:138:19: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
midiMsg((0x90 = channel), note + startNote + octave,

exit status 1

Compilation error: 'noteOff' was not declared in this scope

This is how I entered the program:

//PROGRAM: A design with an 32 switch encoder circuit, to produce Bass pedal outputs,
//with Octave UP/DOWN switches.

//variables setup
int octave = 0;
int midiByte;
byte MIDIchannel = 2;// midi channel 3
byte channel;
byte x;
byte LedPin = 13; // select the pin for the LED
byte count;
byte note;
byte velocity = 100;
byte currentSwitch = 0;
int startNote = 36;

//32 bass switches + octave and Channel up + octave down switches = 36 switch inputs-
byte switches[36] = {

byte switchState[36] = {


void setup(){

//Set Inputs for Octave up/down Switches
pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP);
//Set Inputs for Channel up/down Switches
pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP);

//pins 22 to 53 corresponding to switches 1 to 32
for (x = 22;x < 54;x++){
pinMode(x, INPUT);
digitalWrite(x, HIGH);

//declare the LED's pin as output
pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT);

for (x = 1; x <= 4;x++){
digitalWrite( LedPin, HIGH );
digitalWrite( LedPin, LOW );

//start serial with midi baudrate 31250
void loop(){

//scan 32 switches on inputs
for (int n = 0;n < 32;n++) {
currentSwitch = digitalRead(switches[n]);

//switch pressed and NOT pressed previously
if (currentSwitch == LOW &&switchState[n] == LOW)

  switchState[n] = HIGH;
  note = n;
  noteOn(MIDIchannel, note, velocity);

// switch released AND pressed previosly
if ( currentSwitch == HIGH && switchState[n] ==
switchState[n] = LOW;
note = n;

//scan 2 Octave and Channel switches on inputs
for (int n = 32;n < 36; n++){
currentSwitch = digitalRead(switches[n]);

  // switch pressed and NOT pressed previosly
  if (currentSwitch == LOW && switchState[n] == LOW) 

if (n == 32){
octave = octave + 12;
if (octave >= 12){
octave = 12;
if (n == 33){
octave = octave - 12;
if (octave <= -12){
octave = -12;
if (n == 34){
MIDIchannel = MIDIchannel + 1;
if (MIDIchannel >= 15){
MIDIchannel = 15;
if (n == 35){
MIDIchannel = MIDIchannel - 1;
if (MIDIchannel <= 0){
MIDIchannel = 0;
switchState[n] = HIGH;

  // switch released AND pressed previosly
  if (currentSwitch == HIGH && switchState[n] ==


    switchState[n] = LOW;




//Send a MIDI note-on message.
void noteOn(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity){
midiMsg((0x90 = channel), note + startNote + octave,

//Send a MIDI note-off message.
void noteff(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity){
midiMsg((0x80 + channel), note + startNote + octave,

//Send a general MIDI message
void midiMsg(byte cmd, byte data1, byte data2)

digitalWrite(LedPin, HIGH);

I am wondering what did I do wrong.
Dr. Juan Jose Gutierrez

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It looks like you haven't installed the libraries correctly.

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