I'm trying to make a controller out of a arduino uno, I have made the arduino show up as a controller on windows, I also have code that should work, but I have no idea how to connect the encoder so the code will make it work.
This is what I actually need help with, I dont know how to connect it, or what to change on the code to make it work.
The tutorial I was watching is using a potentiometer that has 3 wires, the rotary encoder I am using has 4 wires, I have no idea how to change the code to make the rotary encoder work rather than the intended 3 wired potentiometer.
The code is using an analog pin for what should be a potentiometer, but I've read some places that analog pins don't work for rotary encoders.
This part of the code is whats gotten me confused as I'm really new to microcontroller stuff.
I just don't know what to change the code to to make the rotary encoder work in place of the potentiometer.
(I know I should've probably said all this stuff on the starting post mb)
You can't just connect a rotary encoder like a pot. Its a completely diffferent thing.
As youre out of your depth with this I'd suggest you start by using a pot.