Hi everyone, i am new and trying to remove keypad code and want to use normal push button instead

Hi is it possible to use normal push button with lcd 1602 i2c instead of using lcd keypad sheild, as i tried but something getting wrong and getting error compiling code

#include <Wire.h>  // Required by RTClib
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>  // Required by LCDKeypad
#include <LCDKeypad.h>
#include "RTClib.h"

#define TIME_OUT 5  // One of the system's FSM transitions
#define ALARM_TIME_MET 6  // One of the system's FSM transitions

#define BUZZER_PIN 3  // Output PWM pin for the buzzer
#define SNOOZE 10  // Minutes to snooze

// The different states of the system
enum states
    SHOW_TIME,           // Displays the time and date
    SHOW_TIME_ALARM_ON,  // Displays the time and date, and alarm is on
    SHOW_ALARM_TIME,     // Displays the alarm time and goes back to time and date after 3 seconds
    SET_ALARM_HOUR,      // Option for setting the alarm hours. If provided, it moves on to alarm minutes.
                         //   Otherwise, it times out after 5 seconds and returns to time and date
    SET_ALARM_MINUTES,   // Option for setting the alarm minutes. If provided, it finally sets the alarm time and alarm.
                         //   Otherwise, it times out after 5 seconds and returns to time and date
    BUZZER_ON            // Displays the time and date, and buzzer is on (alarm time met)

// Creates an LCDKeypad instance
// It handles the LCD screen and buttons on the shield
LCDKeypad lcd;

// Creates an RTC_DS1307 instance
// It handles the DS1307 Real-Time Clock

states state;  // Holds the current state of the system
int8_t button;  // Holds the current button pressed
uint8_t alarmHours = 0, alarmMinutes = 0;  // Holds the current alarm time
uint8_t tmpHours;
boolean alarm = false;  // Holds the current state of the alarm
unsigned long timeRef;
DateTime now;  // Holds the current date and time information

void setup()
    pinMode(BUZZER_PIN, OUTPUT);  // Buzzer pin

    // Initializes the LCD and RTC instances
    lcd.begin(16, 2);

    state = SHOW_TIME;  // Initial state of the FSM
    // Uncomment this to set the current time on the RTC module
    // RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));

// Has the main control of the FSM (1Hz refresh rate)
void loop()
    timeRef = millis();

    // Uses the current state to decide what to process
    switch (state)
        case SHOW_TIME:
        case SHOW_TIME_ALARM_ON:
        case SHOW_ALARM_TIME:
        case SET_ALARM_HOUR:
            if ( state != SET_ALARM_MINUTES ) break;
        case SET_ALARM_MINUTES:
        case BUZZER_ON:

    // Waits about 1 sec for events (button presses)
    // If a button is pressed, it blocks until the button is released
    // and then it performs the applicable state transition
    while ( (unsigned long)(millis() - timeRef) < 970 )
        if ( (button = lcd.button()) != KEYPAD_NONE )
            while ( lcd.button() != KEYPAD_NONE ) ;

// Looks at the provided trigger (event) 
// and performs the appropriate state transition
// If necessary, sets secondary variables
void transition(uint8_t trigger)
    switch (state)
        case SHOW_TIME:
            if ( trigger == KEYPAD_LEFT ) state = SHOW_ALARM_TIME;
            else if ( trigger == KEYPAD_RIGHT ) { alarm = true; state = SHOW_TIME_ALARM_ON; }
            else if ( trigger == KEYPAD_SELECT ) state = SET_ALARM_HOUR;
        case SHOW_TIME_ALARM_ON:
            if ( trigger == KEYPAD_LEFT ) state = SHOW_ALARM_TIME;
            else if ( trigger == KEYPAD_RIGHT ) { alarm = false; state = SHOW_TIME; }
            else if ( trigger == KEYPAD_SELECT ) state = SET_ALARM_HOUR;
            else if ( trigger == ALARM_TIME_MET ) { analogWrite(BUZZER_PIN, 220); state = BUZZER_ON; }
        case SHOW_ALARM_TIME:
            if ( trigger == TIME_OUT ) { if ( !alarm ) state = SHOW_TIME;
                                         else state = SHOW_TIME_ALARM_ON; }
        case SET_ALARM_HOUR:
            if ( trigger == KEYPAD_SELECT ) state = SET_ALARM_MINUTES;
            else if ( trigger == TIME_OUT ) { if ( !alarm ) state = SHOW_TIME;
                                              else state = SHOW_TIME_ALARM_ON; }
        case SET_ALARM_MINUTES:
            if ( trigger == KEYPAD_SELECT ) { alarm = true; state = SHOW_TIME_ALARM_ON; }
            else if ( trigger == TIME_OUT ) { if ( !alarm ) state = SHOW_TIME;
                                              else state = SHOW_TIME_ALARM_ON; }
        case BUZZER_ON:
            if ( trigger == KEYPAD_UP || trigger == KEYPAD_DOWN ) { analogWrite(BUZZER_PIN, 0); 
                                                                    snooze(); state = SHOW_TIME_ALARM_ON; }
            if ( trigger == KEYPAD_SELECT || trigger == KEYPAD_LEFT ) { analogWrite(BUZZER_PIN, 0); 
                                                                       alarm = false; state = SHOW_TIME; }

// Displays the current date and time, and also an alarm indication
// e.g. SAT 04 JAN 2014, 22:59:10  ALARM
void showTime()
    now = RTC.now();
    const char* dayName[] = { "SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT" };
    const char* monthName[] = { "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC" };
    lcd.print(String(dayName[now.dayOfTheWeek()]) + " " +
              (now.day() < 10 ? "0" : "") + now.day() + " " +
              monthName[now.month()-1] + " " + now.year());
    lcd.print((now.hour() < 10 ? "0" : "") + String(now.hour()) + ":" +
              (now.minute() < 10 ? "0" : "") + now.minute() + ":" +
              (now.second() < 10 ? "0" : "") + now.second() + (alarm ? "  ALARM" : ""));

// Displays the current alarm time and transitions back to show 
// date and time after 2 sec (+ 1 sec delay from inside the loop function)
// e.g. Alarm Time HOUR: 08 MIN: 20
void showAlarmTime()
    lcd.print("Alarm Time");
    lcd.print(String("HOUR: ") + ( alarmHours < 9 ? "0" : "" ) + alarmHours + 
                   " MIN: " + ( alarmMinutes < 9 ? "0" : "" ) + alarmMinutes);

// Checks if the alarm time has been met, 
// and if so initiates a state transition
void checkAlarmTime()
    if ( now.hour() == alarmHours && now.minute() == alarmMinutes ) transition(ALARM_TIME_MET);

// When the buzzer is ringing, by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons, 
// a SNOOZE (default is 10) minutes delay on the alarm time happens
void snooze()
    alarmMinutes += SNOOZE;
    if ( alarmMinutes > 59 )
        alarmHours += alarmMinutes / 60;
        alarmMinutes = alarmMinutes % 60;

// The first of a 2 part process for setting the alarm time
// Receives the alarm time hour. If not provided within 5 sec,
// times out and returns to a previous (time and date) state
void setAlarmHours()
    unsigned long timeRef;
    boolean timeOut = true;
    lcd.print("Alarm Time");

    tmpHours = 0;
    timeRef = millis();
    lcd.print("Set hours:  0");
    while ( (unsigned long)(millis() - timeRef) < 5000 )
        uint8_t button = lcd.button();

        if ( button == KEYPAD_UP )
            tmpHours = tmpHours < 23 ? tmpHours + 1 : tmpHours;
            lcd.print("  ");
            if ( tmpHours < 10 ) lcd.print(" ");
            timeRef = millis();
        else if ( button == KEYPAD_DOWN )
            tmpHours = tmpHours > 0 ? tmpHours - 1 : tmpHours;
            lcd.print("  ");
            if ( tmpHours < 10 ) lcd.print(" ");
            timeRef = millis();
        else if ( button == KEYPAD_SELECT )
            while ( lcd.button() != KEYPAD_NONE ) ;
            timeOut = false;

    if ( !timeOut ) transition(KEYPAD_SELECT);
    else transition(TIME_OUT);

// The second of a 2 part process for setting the alarm time
// Receives the alarm time minutes. If not provided within 5 sec,
// times out and returns to a previous (time and date) state
// If minutes are provided, sets the alarm time and turns the alarm on
void setAlarmMinutes()
    unsigned long timeRef;
    boolean timeOut = true;
    uint8_t tmpMinutes = 0;
    lcd.print("Alarm Time");

    timeRef = millis();
    lcd.print("Set minutes:  0");
    while ( (unsigned long)(millis() - timeRef) < 5000 )
        uint8_t button = lcd.button();
        if ( button == KEYPAD_UP )
            tmpMinutes = tmpMinutes < 55 ? tmpMinutes + 5 : tmpMinutes;
            lcd.print("  ");
            if ( tmpMinutes < 10 ) lcd.print(" ");
            timeRef = millis();
        else if ( button == KEYPAD_DOWN )
            tmpMinutes = tmpMinutes > 0 ? tmpMinutes - 5 : tmpMinutes;
            lcd.print("  ");
            if ( tmpMinutes < 10 ) lcd.print(" ");
            timeRef = millis();
        else if ( button == KEYPAD_SELECT )
            while ( lcd.button() != KEYPAD_NONE ) ;
            timeOut = false;

    if ( !timeOut )
        alarmHours = tmpHours;
        alarmMinutes = tmpMinutes;
    else transition(TIME_OUT);

Welcome to the forum

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Yes, of course it is

Please post a schematic of your project showing how the buttons are wired. A 'photo of a hand drawn circuit is good enough

Please also post the full error massages that you get when compiling your code

Here in this code i want to remive Lcdkeypad.h and use normal push button, can any one help here

What have you tried and what was the result ?

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