How come my arduino works when I have it connected to my pc for power, but not my 9v battery?

I designed a PCB 2 weeks ago, and it finally came today, but when I tried using it with my 9v battery that I'm using to power my project, it works for about 0.5 seconds then stops.

It involves an ultrasonic sensor, a servo motor, and an arduino nano.

The link above is a screenshot of the schematic, and the PCB design. Have i messed up somewhere or is a part i have at fault? If u want more info just reply with the question

Not a PP3 smoke alarm battery, designed to supply a small current by any chance ?

Have you measured its voltage when in use ?

You should be able to EXPORT a jpg image to post.

Use a DMM and measure the 9V battery when connected.

Why are you connecting the 9V to the 5V pin?

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

using one of these

That's normal and expected behavior for those types of batteries.

i dont know why but i have the same problem. and when i connected to the 9v battery and connected to a bluetooth module the bluetooth module was not working a few days later when i checked the arduinos port was not working and i am sure its not because of the driver

The 9V smoke detector battery cannot supply the current needed for very long.
You need a power supply/battery system with greater capacity.

@letscode123 and @gmp1457 do you understand?

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :australia:

The 9V battery is not up to the task of powering your project.

as your using a 9v battery and a ultrasonic sensor the ultrasonic sensor is trying to pull more current than in the 5v. maybe check hoe much volt is there in the 5v using multimeter maybe its low as your'e using a 9v battery.... you may want to use 8 1.5v batteries instead so 12v is there



If 9V is a bad choice for a 5V device, it could be argued that 12V is an even worse choice

usually i have a arduino uno and a 12v ac adaptor works fine

Not when you feed 12V (or 9V) to the pin that is expecting 5V.
Besides, you're simply wasting 7V at a few tens of milliamps in heat with a linear regulator

If you have a higher than 5V supply, connect to Vin pin, but it must be higher than 7V.

Use your DMM.

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

i am connecting to the dc jack in uno so it works fine

...apart from the heat from the wasted 7V.

(The OP's design shows no regulator)

when i use 5v my arduino's on lights doesn't light up.

When you use your Arduino's what?

i mean the on led

lets not argue about this