How do you dampen stepper motor vibrations?

I have my motor mounted, it runs smoothly and without stuttering, but it still makes audible vibrations. Would offsetting it/padding its mounted surface with Styrofoam help reduce the noise? What are some methods that work for you?

Noise like that is normal, but you can reduce it by using very solid mounting so there is NO movement of the framework. When your stepper moves a load at high speed, it will be heard a long ways away. That is the nature of STEP movement.


If you ever get the chance to listen to a CNC machine you will find it almost musical due to the steps etc.
In fact that very noise has been used to great effect

Or seeing as its XMAS Last Christmas -Wham! - Otamatone BOT - Stepper Motor Music _ オタマトーン MIDI BOT - YouTube :smiling_imp:

Noise like that is normal, but you can reduce it by using very solid mounting so there is NO movement of the framework. When your stepper moves a load at high speed, it will be heard a long ways away. That is the nature of STEP movement.


Thanks Paul, so is that to say that it will be more quiet with a rigid fastening to a hard surface (such as wood), or if padding in between the frame and wood will make that even better.

You have to also be careful that by being rigid in the mount you don't transfer those vibrations elsewhere and cause other harmonic fluctuations.

Dampers or anti vibration mounts would be a better choice at the risk of very minor tolerance issues.
It can be a trade off but if you every dismantled a CD rom drive you will see they almost always use vibration damping.

You have to also be careful that by being rigid in the mount you don't transfer those vibrations elsewhere and cause other harmonic fluctuations.

Dampers or anti vibration mounts would be a better choice at the risk of very minor tolerance issues.
It can be a trade off but if you every dismantled a CD rom drive you will see they almost always use vibration damping.

Thanks Bob, I'll look into vibration dampeners. I'm trying to get it silent, or at least not making it louder than it is by transferring the vibration to the surface of the compartment it's in.

@ noise: you might want to use a real sinewave driver - but most likely the driver will cost more than your whole project :slight_smile:

Depending on the motor type many dampers are available off the shelf