I have an arduino nano and i want to connect around 30 rgb led with common anode parallaly with it.what code and what circuit should i choose?
Use ws2812 or apa106 LEDs.
How much current does the string of LEDs require when displaying white ?
I ask because an Arduino pin can only supply a limited current so you would require a transistor or MOSFET connected to the Arduino pin and use it to switch an external power source
How to measure the current?
Either measure it with a multimeter or read the datasheet for the LEDs
Do you have a data sheet for the LED or a link to a webpage for the LED?
I bought it from online
Please post a link to where you bought it
From the link that you posted
- Forward Voltage / Direct Current : DC 3 Volt 20 mA (Red Color is 2 Volt 20 mA)
So you see straight away the the LEDs cannot be driven directly from an Arduino pin
You would need 3 MOSFETs and 96 resistors to do what you want.
Can you actually build that?
Actually i needed to parallaly connect about 48 leds
Then you will need around 150 resistors and 3 MOSFETs and a lot of time to solder together a protoboard.
I want to make a light tree just like this:
I want to replace the blue leds with the rgb leds. The whole tree is in parallal combination other than the branches which are in series combination.
Hello kumaresh869
Take a view to get some ideas:
This led will become to big for the project i want to do
please use a word "parallel"
Sorry my mistake
Can u tell me what arrangements i require for my project above👆