Servos pull too much current for the onboard 5V voltage-regulator.
There are a lot of circuits online that show supplying servos from the arduino 5V-pin.
This is unprofessional.
As soon as the servo has to deal with some load the current goes up and the voltageregulator shuts down => program-crash
Servos should be always supplied separately but the GND of the extra power-supply and GND of the arduino must be connected
This picture shows the principle
nRF24-modules are very cheap but are a little bit picky in communicating
read Robin2's tutorial
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Here is proven code to send and receive 2 Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) values using rf24 radios. Replace the LDR bits with your pots. These programs use information from the aforementioned Robin2 simple rf24 tutorial. Should not be hard to adapt these examples for your use.
Buddy what you think I didn't try at all I am trying for more than two weeks. When I feel all is going right then sometimes hardware creates problem and sometimes code. Between these period I learned something. I didn't even know include function first time slowly slowly I learned few functions. But facing lots of error after putting effort day and night. Lastly I came to forum.
Very good. You haven't told this yet in the forum so how should I know it?
Your code in post # 1 is missing some function-calls
look up post # 2 of robin2's nRF24 tutorial.
Modify the code or your wiring to match the connections and upload this testcode to see if the nRF24-modules work
it is not really clear if the code you have posted in post # 1 is working or not.
As you can see from all these asking back:
You are working on an informatic project and what is most needed in an informatic project is information
Here are some tips that helped me to get my radios to work.
If you read and, closely, follow Robin2's simple rf24 tutorial (linked by @StefanL38 )you should be able to get them working. That tutorial sure helped me. The code in the examples has been proven to work many many times. If it does not work for you, there is likely a hardware problem.
Run the CheckConnection.ino (look in reply #30 in the tutorial) to verify the physical wiring between the radio module and its processor (Arduino).
It is very important that you get the 3.3V supply to the radio modules to supply enough current. This is especially true for the high power (external antenna) modules. I use homemade adapters like these. They are powered by 5V and have a 3.3V regulator on the board. Robin2 also has suggested trying with a 2 AA cell battery pack.
Before trying to get your own code to work, get the radios to work with known good example code like in the tutorial.
after a quick crossreading I say
This tutorial shows the typical step-by-step-process of testing
each component on its own
to make sure that each component is working properly
and after that putting things together.
There is one thing that jumped into my eyes: Robin2 recommends powering the nRF24-modules not from the arduino but separately. This tutorial says powering from arduino is OK.
It uses a joystick which means two potentiometers = matches your requirements
best regards Stefan