How to drive this mini 7 segment LCD?

I just got these tiny LCD but I can't figure out how to drive it or address the different segments.

any help is appreciated

Based on your link, if you "activate" COM1 (pin 8), you can control segments 1F (pin 1), 1A (pin 2), 2F (pin 3) and 2A (pin 4).
Similar for COM2 (control 1G, 1B, 2G and 2B) and so on.

The question is if this is common anode or common cathode or maybe has some intelligence built-in. I suggest that you download the datasheet and check; also check if you need current limiting resistors.

Be aware that this is a 3V device, connecting it to a 5V Arduino (e.g. Uno) will more than likely damage it.

This is an LCD not an LED. Doing what you suggest will damage the device.

OOPS, missed that. I should stay away from hardware related questions.

Here is a good video explaining how LCD works and how to drive it with an arduino. Yours will be slightly more complex to drive because you have multiple COM pins. There are microcontrollers that are designed to drive LCDs easily.

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I don't get this multiple com pin stuff...

just keep in mind that not all 7 segments of one digit use the same common.
And therefore follow the table in the datasheet to see what you have to use when you want to activate a specific segment.

So you can use it in 1/4D,1/2B drive mode but you can also use it in static mode.

isnt there a arduino library for this?

I have not looked but I doubt it

Hi, @heng1
@heng1 display.

Data sheet.
GDC02693237b.pdf (1.0 MB)

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Looks like it needs a driver chip. The signal also goes negative voltage.. i guess it wont work only with a arduino. Can someone suggest a chip ?

Maybe HT1621

Yes it can but there is no library and the software gets a little complicated.