How to fix code not uploading to arduino nano

so i was busy trying to upload codes for my remote controller when i suddenly got the error message [object object]. i then tried a different com and a different code, but none worked.
(this happend after i plug my USB in while my Vin pin was also plugged in, but i still get a red and green LED (pwr, L))
but now when i plug my arduino nano in it says "Board has been connected" and 1 sec. later "arduino nano has been disconnected"
i work with the web editor app on a chromebook

the arduino MEGA i use for the receiving end works without any problem

Does this now also happen when you disconnect everything from the Nano? If yes, replace the Nano as there is a very good chance that you have killed it.

What was all connected to the Nano when it failed? Schematic (photo of pencil/paper drawing is OK) with ALL connections and power connections will be appreciated.

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Your topic was MOVED to its current forum category which is more appropriate than the original as it has nothing to do with Installation and Troubleshooting of the IDE

i made a pcb for it because it has: 4 joysticks, 1 NRF24L01 (with antenna) and a Vin (3 li-ion cells with a diode to get it under 12v.
i haven't tried to remove everything because it is solderd in place but if there is no other way then I'll do it.

Hi @jasper1234567890. Are you using Arduino Web Editor or Arduino IoT Cloud?

it says cloud on the bottom left so i think Arduino IoT Cloud

Arduino Web Editor and Arduino IoT Cloud are both components of Arduino Cloud. Only Arduino Web Editor has an Arduino Cloud logo at the bottom left of the window, so I'm certain you are using Arduino Web Editor.

aha thank you

i am gonna try removing everthing tomorrow or saturday. but i dont think it wil word because upload issues only happen when someting is plugged into pin 0 and 1 (RX, TX) and those are empty.

i found the problem!
while i was busy trying to diconnect the pins it wasn't really working. but i had 2 cables running from 3.3v to the NRF24l01 and antoher one to the NRF24l01, so i disconnected those and desided to plug the arduino in the computer. ( i already thought the problem was with the NRF24l01 beacause i read once that upload issues can occur when you have something plugged in that can transfer signals). and as i expected i plugged the 3.3v in the arduino and the arduino program said my board was disconnecting and connecting. so the issue is the NRF24l01 being plugged in.

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