I am quite new to Arduino projects, but I would like to be able to measure light intensity using the SFH 2440 DIL SMT Ambient Light Sensor using the Arduino ADC.
From what I understood browing the internet, I can just use a resistance and measure the voltage drop/current, but a better way would be to use an Operational Amplifier.
I read about that in Operational Amplifiers in your Arduino project, but I do not quite know if my sensor is compatible with what is explained in the example.
Can someone give me a clue about how this can be done? Thanks.
The "ambient light sensor" you linked is just a photodiode, and any photodiode or LED (used as a color-sensitive photodiode) will work in the circuit described in John Errington's topic:
4: Using Op Amps: A Practical example Measuring light level with a photodiode
Be sure to use a rail-to-rail op amp designed to work with low voltage, single-ended supply, like the MCP600x.
Thanks! Do you still recommend the MPC6002? I just want to measure light emmited by 1W LED, so I do not have much restrictions on how fast it must be, but probably the maximum amount of lux the sensor may get will not be too high.
Yes, its a nice op amp. If youre buying op ammps
1: buy from a reputable supplier, not chinese on ebay as I've found they have been faulty. and
2: get a few - they are cheap as chips.