How to power arduino Nano with 9v Battery?

Newb here.

I have a project that requires me to integrate:

  • OLED screen
  • Pixel Ring
  • MPU6050
    On an arduino Nano so that it can be packed into a 3d print. How do I go about powering the nano?

Also, how do I split the 5v power and ground without a breadboard?

If you mean a "smoke detector" 9v battery - it is not a good idea, because the battery has a very low capacity.

In any case, you can't supply the Nano by 9V via VIN pin and power display and modules via Arduino 5v pin. You need an external voltage regulator 9v - 5v for it.

by soldering.

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So what your saying is that it isnt possible to power all of these into a hand held device at this size? (See image)


Big newb here.

I have a project that requires me to integrate:

  • OLED screen
  • Pixel Ring
  • MPU6050

The objective is to have no wiring visible. See photo for size (note that the model can be made bigger).

How do I go about powering the nano? Battery pack? 9v not enough power right?

Also, how do I split the 5v power and ground without a breadboard? Do I have to solder?


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Depends on how many pixels on the ring you want to light up at a time. But yeah, I'd look in different directions than the 9V smoke detector battery. Use something rechargeable for starters. There are plenty of rechargeable lithium battery packs that you can use in conjunction with a suitable charge controller.

You probably don't need 9V anyway but something like 5V. If you use WS2812B for the LED 'pixels' you should be able to run the whole thing on 3.3V if you throttle down the Nano from 16MHz down to 12MHz.

Test your project on a breadboard, then transfer everything to a PCB.
Skip the Nano in the final version and translate the Nano circuitry to your own custom PCB.
This will be the slickest solution by far. You may be able to kludge something from modules, but it'll be more challenging to make it all fit.

The enclosure on your picture shown nothing related to your project. I don't see any place for Nano and display.

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