Hello guys, I want to know, How to import data from arduino IDE that connected with Node MCU ESP8266, To send Output from sensor(There's MLX90614 and GY-MAX30102) to show in box on website, I used Wix website platform. Thank you.
I don't know Wix so can't really help in practice.
Basically you would need to have http requests going to your arduino from the html page that is hosted in Wix servers
it looks like this:
- user opens your web page hosted on Wix
- the HTML for that page contains some javascript that goes fetch data from your arduino
- the javascript updates the DOM of your web page based on the data it got from the arduino to show the values to the end user.
that means your arduino needs to be visible from the internet (security issues if you don't know what you do) and you will need to handle cross origin issues.
alternatively, your arduino could export data to a MQTT server or some other database on line and your web page hosted on Wix would go and extract the data from that repository.
It's just for my high school project for graduate in Thailand.
Alright back to topics, I'm not sure about it, It's my first time for Arduino Project. If I sent data to excel in .csv and send from .csv to ai in VScode for output that would send back to website. That would make it more easier?
(I forgot to tell about it, I planned to send input from sensor to website and then send to ai)
Take a step back… adding excel, ai or whatever can only make sense if it’s useful for the project.
Define the requirements including time and budget.
See what’s mandatory (do you need Wix ?)
Explore alternatives and pick a meaningful solution
You can use Adafruit's IO web page to display data. To get started, follow the instructions on the site.
And don’t forget the Arduino cloud might be the tool to use
Before adding tools like Excel or AI, make sure they’re actually useful for your project.
First, decide what you need, how much time you have, and your budget.
Check what’s necessary (like, do you need Wix?).
Then, look at other options and choose the best one.