I would like to reprogram this rgb strip controller how can i do it

First of all you need to read marks on the chips and let us know

It has the IR receiver you have in your hand in the picture. And it has a remote control, right? The easiest thing you can do is to record all the signals the remote can produce. Then you can make your own IR sender, which can reproduce the same signals. That restricts you to creating a program that automatically turns on and off the very same light patterns that you control manually with the remote.

If you want anything more than that, we need more details about your gear. But it is probably a very simple strip, since we only see single R, G and B wires on the PCB. For instance, if you want some fading and there's nothing about fading in the original programs, the easiest way is to build your own circuit with some transistors and resistors. And an Arduino, of course. You can re-use the IR receiver. And the remote, as well, if it has enough buttons for you.

Just decide what you want.

Okay cool thanks

Hi, @colaco_23
Welcome to the forum.

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia: :santa:

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