My LCD 16 x2 is not working I've used the hd44780 library to check, I do find the address of my I2C LCD but it shows LCD Stuck can anyone guide me a bit.
Search the forum for "LCD stuck BUSY status". I know that I have seen that before and Bill Perry (@bperrybap) has addressed the possible cause(s) of that issue.
Can you post some photos of your setup?
Stuck BUSY means that the diagnostic waited more than the time that should be needed for the LCD to be read, and when it read the status the BUSY bit was still HIGH.
A HIGH BUSY bit is used to indicate that the LCD is busy, but in this case it shouldn't be.
Something is not working properly.
It could be several things, including connection issues between the PCF8574 and the LCD.
Some photos might help narrow things down.
If none of those combinations are working with I2CexpDiag, I'd like to get to the bottom of why this is not working.
I'm very interested and really want to get to bottom of the issue.
Yes, please provide some photos of your setup.
Also, could you try the HelloWorld example in the hd44780_I2exp i/o class to see if that is working or if it blinks the status led indicating an issue/error.