Info on 3.2" TFT labeled "TFT_320QVT"

I just bought a 3.2" 320x240 65K color TFT with touch sensor and SD slot from dealextreme and found it very hard to find any information on it.
The only information it has is "TFT_320QVT" on the back and didn't find anything useful on google so I'm sharing my research.
I even detached the TFT from the PCB and still couldn't find anything useful. The visible IC is a driver for the touch sensor.

I finally found out it uses a SSD1289 IC driver (datasheet is easy to find). Works only in 16 bit mode. Even if the driver supports serial and 8-bit modes, the board WONT.

Got it working with the UTFT library example, but it uses absolutely all I/O pins from an Arduino UNO (16 for data + 4 for control, just for image output, no SD, no touch sensing).
On the TFT's PCB pins I connected Ground to Ground, Vcc to +3.3V, Led_A to +3.3V and the rest of the relevant TFT board pins (3.3V logic) THROUGH 10K RESISTORS to the Arduino Board pins (5V logic) with no problem.
Haven't tested it thoroughly but at least it didn't burn out and there was no capacitive noise problems (all tested in a breadboard with regular 0.25W carbon resistors)

Hope it helps!

Some pictures of the TFT board (sorry for the lack of focus, my webcam is limited)

And the test circuit (to show that it should totally have noise and glitches, but doesn't :wink: )

Hi, I just bought the very same one. On the board, located on the lower left part there is a jumper indicated J1. Do you know what 's its purpose ?
I'm about to drive it through a Uno, but do to the number of pins needed, I planned to use 74HC595 shifters. Do you know somebody who tried this before ?

Nope, don't know if anybody tried that and also don't know what that J1 jumper does :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought of doing it serially, but it seems like it would be pretty slow. You'll need 32 extra instructions just to draw each pixel.
There's a "latched" mode for 8-bit latches in UTFT, for 16-bit displays that frees 7 pins (needs one to "latch" the other port)

Switching to a Mega 2560 might be the best option.


p.s. took a better pic of the "setup":

Hello everybody, look this video:

The display works good on "arduino due", but i'm not sure about libraries.

Have you tested the libraries of touchscreen and so on?
Please answer me



Hi, I just bought the very same one. On the board, located on the lower left part there is a jumper indicated J1. Do you know what 's its purpose ?

That jumper bipasses the 3.3V regulator, if you want to power the screen from 3.3V instad of 5. Dont bother tapping with it, even at 3.3V the regulator dropout is insignificant.

I'm about to drive it through a Uno, but do to the number of pins needed, I planned to use 74HC595 shifters. Do you know somebody who tried this before ?

And how exactly are you planning to archive that, code wise?

Hello everybody, look this video:

The display works good on "arduino due", but i'm not sure about libraries.

Whats your point!? Have you got the display working or are you asking help to do so?

Have you tested the libraries of touchscreen and so on?
Please answer me

Is that a threat!? :fearful:

Switching to a Mega 2560 might be the best option.

I sugest driving it in 8 bit mode, altough UTFT is dead slow (This is not just because its wired for 8 bits), its likelly to actually be faster that what you have now, as it frees the need to write to several ports and do a LOT of bit shifting.

The fastest option on a uno is 8 bit mode with D0-D7. This means loosing the hardware serial port.


Hi all,

I know this is a couple of months old, but I just bought one of these displays from eBay, and was provided with a link that contains info about the module, including:

  • LCD Driver Datasheet
  • Touch Screen Controller Datasheet
  • Schematic

The original is here:
In case the URL dies, I've attached the module info (more in following posts due to upload limit).

I hope that helps :slight_smile:


TFT_320QVT - Overview.pdf (331 KB)

TFT_320QVT - Schematic.pdf (51.9 KB)

... LCD datasheets

SSD1289 IC.pdf (619 KB)

S95160 - LCD Module.pdf (417 KB)

... Touch screen datasheet

XPT2046 - Touch Screen Controller.pdf (886 KB)

I also have this TFT-display.
I an not able to get it to work, do someone send me a working *.ino sketch for uno, due or mega!


Hi Kurt,

Welcome to the forums! :smiley: Apologies for the delay in answering your question.

The libraries you are looking for are UTFT by Henning Karlsen, his web site has all of the libraries necessary to make your display work, including touch. UTFT - Rinky-Dink Electronics

If you are having problems with the wiring, you should probably buy a TFT shield, these are available for Due or Mega from various stores, but I would recommend Coldtears on ebay, here.Security Measure



Here you go - ElecFreaks - Wiki
Got a a board with the elecfreaks megashield, ran code on my mega2560, all works great, still slow, even with 16-bit mode :/\Hope this helps

I'm having problems with this board. I've connected it to my Arduino Uno using Iteadstudio's ITDB02 shield, whose header matches the pinout of the header of the TFT_320QVT.

I used an example from Henning Karlsen's UTFT library that works with the ITDB02-2.4E display attached to the shield, so in theory all I'd have to change is the initialization of the display. That is, it should be initialized with "UTFT myGLCD(driver,A5,A4,A3,A2);"

The question is: which driver? I've tried with all six drivers that ostensibly use the SSD1289 chip: ITDB32S, TFT01_32, CTE32, INFINT32, ELEE32_REVA, and ELEE32_REVB, but all of them greet me with a back-lit display with no graphics.

Of course, maybe the display is broken, but could someone provide me with working code for that display?

Nope, don't know if anybody tried that and also don't know what that J1 jumper does :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought of doing it serially, but it seems like it would be pretty slow. You'll need 32 extra instructions just to draw each pixel.
There's a "latched" mode for 8-bit latches in UTFT, for 16-bit displays that frees 7 pins (needs one to "latch" the other port)

Switching to a Mega 2560 might be the best option.


p.s. took a better pic of the "setup":

Is there anyway that i could get you to post how you connected it, and the libraries you used??

Thanx mate