Infrared skin temperature sensor on wrist

Hi everyone, just read something on the forum but didn't find anything.
I would like to measure the peripheral skin temperature by putting the sensor on the wrist.
My question is: are all the infrared sensors non-contact? I need 0.2 accuracy and 0.2 resolution and I just looked at the mlx90614 but I am not sure if I can put it on the wrist. The tmp117 is more accurate but it isn't infrared.
Someone can give me some advice and help me understand?

Why does it have to make contact? Use a non contact sensor held off the wrist in whatever device you are using to hold it there. Otherwise you just need to go through the data sheets of various sensors until you find one that meets your requirements

hello and thank you. Do you think that non-contact sensor can write wrong results if I put it too near/contact with the skin?

That depends on the sensor and should be in the datasheet

Let me explain well. I working on a machine learning model and I trained it into a dataset collected from Empatica4 bracelet. To allow my Arduino device predict the classes, I should collect the data in the same way.
Empatica4 provide an infrared termophile that is located on the top of the wrist.

Then use that

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