Interfacing AC frequency drive with Arduino

Have anyone tried to interface AC frequency drive(VFD) with Arduino?
i am looking for a way to interface delta VFD-M with arduino Using RS485 interface.
or Is there any otherway to do it?

Datasheet? Link?

the details about MODBUS interface is on pg 4-60

Have you tried goggling arduino modbus

Tom.... :slight_smile:

well.. I did google it.
and i don't want to go through libraries.. cause i don't have that much knowledge in understanding those libraries.

i wanted implement it in Arduino Language (even-though there is something in background i didn't bother about it at this stage).

I'm not sure how much control you want, but another way is to use optocoupled signals from the arduino outputs to the VSD M0 etc inputs.Stop/Forward/Reverse etc..

Tom... :slight_smile: