IRLib2 rawRecv doesn't work

Right now I'm working on my universal remote controller and stucked at the IR Receiver testing. I'm using TSOP 38238 for my receiver and connected it to Digital Pin 11, GND, and VCC 3.3, and I have make sure the code to connect the IR receiver at pin 11. I tested it using Promethean Digital Interactive Whiteboard's remote and it displays nothing in my Serial terminal. I will provide my code below:

/* rawR&cv.ino Example sketch for IRLib2
 *  Illustrate how to capture raw timing values for an unknow protocol.
 *  You will capture a signal using this sketch. It will output data the 
 *  serial monitor that you can cut and paste into the "rawSend.ino"
 *  sketch.
// Recommend only use IRLibRecvPCI or IRLibRecvLoop for best results
#include <IRLibRecvPCI.h> 

IRrecvPCI myReceiver(11);//pin number for the receiver

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); //delay for Leonardo
  myReceiver.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
  Serial.println(F("Ready to receive IR signals"));

void loop() {
  //Continue looping until you get a complete signal received
  if (myReceiver.getResults()) { 
    Serial.println(F("Do a cut-and-paste of the following lines into the "));
    Serial.println(F("designated location in rawSend.ino"));
    Serial.print(F("\n#define RAW_DATA_LEN "));
    Serial.print(F("uint16_t rawData[RAW_DATA_LEN]={\n\t"));
    for(bufIndex_t i=1;i<recvGlobal.recvLength;i++) {
      Serial.print(F(", "));
      if( (i % 8)==0) Serial.print(F("\n\t"));
    Serial.println(F("1000};"));//Add arbitrary trailing space
    myReceiver.enableIRIn();      //Restart receiver

I'm a bit confused because I have been struggling with this for more than a month.

Have you included the power supply decoupling on this chip?

How do you know that the TSOP 38238 is compatible with the Whiteboard's remote ?

As you can see from what I have posted, there are all sorts of variations of this chip. Most of these are variations in the carrier frequency. This is used to modulate your data and also filter the modulation, if you get the wrong data rate it will not work. Well OK maybe just one 3KHz away might work with reduced range

The way you tell what this remote produces in terms of carrier frequency, is to look at the voltage, across the IR LED in the remote, with an oscilloscope.

But other chips in the TSOP series have a different IR wave length, your remote might be using one of these, and a mismatch causes a very much reduced range, like an inch or two as opposed to the 6ft or greater you would normally expect.

Note you can also get interference from florescent lights that will stop even compatible units from working.

Okay, I will check the specification for the remote's IR, but assuming that the specification was met. Should I be able to send the received signal back using a IR transmitter, or I there should be a specification that must met to be able to transmit back that code?

I have deleted your other cross-post @vlrchro19.

Cross-posting is against the Arduino forum rules. The reason is that duplicate posts can waste the time of the people trying to help. Someone might spend a lot of time investigating and writing a detailed answer on one topic, without knowing that someone else already did the same in the other topic.

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In the future, please only create one topic for each distinct subject matter. This is basic forum etiquette, as explained in the "How to get the best out of this forum" guide. It contains a lot of other useful information. Please read it.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

No there are other things you need to meet as I have already pointed out but you seem to be ignoring.

  1. The decoupling must be in place
  2. There must be a low level of interference light interference.
    2a) From DC light levels from tungsten light or direct sunlight.
    2b) From Florescent light.
  3. The IR wavelength must match.

Is there any reference or source that I can follow/learn to be able to do that? And by the way, right now I'm working for a college project so I can't find out the carrier frequency for out digital whiteboard's remote, is there any alternatives to achieve that without using an Oscilloscope?


And your collage doesn't have an oscilloscope you can use?

[quote="vlrchro19, post:6, topic:1288548"]
Is there any reference or source that I can follow/learn to be able to do that? [/quote]

Have you read the data sheet for that device? You know the screen dumps I showed you at the start?

Oh, I'm so sorry for my foolishness. So it is possible to get the encoded IR if I try using other type of IR receiver one by one? Or is it possible for the digital whiteboard's remote using IR with frequency outside from the available IR receiver? And, yes, my college doesn't have an oscilloscope sadly

An expensive hobby and will probably not work as there are so many other factors that can get in the way of that strategy.

By IR frequency, do you mean the carrier wave?
If so it is unlikely because these TSOP chips are the industry standard and widely used.

However, it is possible that the data format is incompatible with your code. I know that air conditioning remote controls have a much longer code than TV remote controllers and this could cause the TSOP chip you are using to fail to decode things.

I think the best advice would be for you to forget the white board remote and use a normal TV remote. And I would also tell your collage that without access to an oscilloscope your project simply can't be done.

Alright then, thank you so much for your advice! I will try to encode TV remote control, but if I may ask again, is it harder to encode Smart TV Remote control than a regular TV remote? Because all I have here at my dorm are smart TVs, I have tried to encode Daikin AC up till now since 2 last month, but still I get nothing in my Serial Monitor.

It is impossible to have a universal remote despite many people thinking there is such a beast. You can have remote controllers that can learn stuff from another remote but only if both have the same fundamental compatible hardware.

What is the difference between a normal TV and a smart TV?