If anyone have have this library please give me .this is the library that i really wanted
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We only know what you tell us, and without knowing what you have, we don't stand a chance.
Personally I have never come across this library, and I am not even sure what it would do for you.
The L292 is a very old chip and is not well suited to driving a motor from 5V, it can loose 2V per channel. That is it can only get within 2V of the supply it is driven by.
I would try wiring it up without a library and see what happens.
Please post your schematic of how you wire it up and post the code you are trying to use with it.
thank you for reply .please wait i ll upload diagram
this is my schemetic that i try to create
OK the first thing I noticed is the battery. Is the battery one that looks like that because you can't power a motor for very long with one like that.
The second thing is that you are trying to do way too much at one time. Start off with one motor, nothing else.
Next please post the code you are using for this one motor.
Finally can you get hold of a schematic of the board you have? Or post a link to where you bought it from.
New Arduino UNO R3: Download Free Arduino Proteus Library - ELECTRONICS TREE
this is whre i download both arduino board and l298d motor driver
Obstacle-Avoiding Autonomous Car Robot Using Arduino (electronicsforu.com)
this is the schemetic i trying to draw on protues
this is the schemetic i draw