LDR giving only zeros

so first here is the code I used to test the LDR

const int ldrpin = A2;
 int ldrstat = analogRead(ldrpin);

void setup(){
pinMode(ldrpin, INPUT);

void loop() { 

so this code is spouse to give me the light value form the ldr but all I get is just 0 no matter if there is flashlight in front of it or my hand completly blocking everything.. I think it's the resistor fault because in tinckercad everything runs smoothly but not IRL.

What happens when the A2 pin is wired to 5V?

I do not think the pinmode setting is required to read analog signals.

Show a schematic of your thingy, show an image of your thingy all connected and not working.

It looks to me that you do not have a power source for the LDR. Try changing "INPUT" in the pinMode command to "INPUT_PULLUP."

forgot to mention that the LDR is connected to 5v

You have two problems. 1. is that you need a pull down resistor for the LDR to pass any current and develop a voltage drop. 2. Using A2 as an int causes the compiler to assign A2 as a variable not a pin. When the LDR is connected between +5 and A2, it is a pull up resistor and the ADC should show 1023 but, it shows 0, so you are not reading the input on pin A2.

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