led strips

hello, I'm new to this hobby and I wiss to do a lamp for my aquarium contoled by arduino.
The problem sound like this : 5 regular led strips to be dimming depending on time.
I read some web pages and I get to this result :

Is this ok or I got this wrong? and how do I wire a RTC DS3231 ( http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DS3231-AT24C32-IIC-Precision-RTC-Real-Time-Clock-Memory-Module-For-Arduino-/400624291795?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Components_Supplies_ET&hash=item5d47118fd3) with 6 legs to the arduino board.


What are the transistors?
There are no resistors on the outputs of the Arduino.

the sketch is based on this :
I don't have any electronic knowledge , so I hope trough this forum to learn step by step

The image says N FET but says it is TIP120.
Two different animals here.
Place 220R in series with the Arduino pin.
Use something like IRL540 MOSFET.