Library/sample code for REST call?

Hi folks,
I want to make a simple REST call from an Arduino Wifi Rev2 to my own REST server (not the cloud). I'm having some difficulty finding the right library to use and a simple example showing how to code a GET or POST call. I need to have the ability to specify server, port, and path.
Can someone recommend:
Library to use
Sample code performing a GET or POST

What about the external hardware will it need a reset as well?

No external hardware needed.
I want to be able to make repeating calls at defined intervals.
Use case is uploading sensor data (e.g. Temperature/humidity) to a server to collect data. Can also use MQTT, but I wanted to see if there is a REST solution also.

Hi folks,
I want to make a simple REST call from an Arduino Wifi Rev2 to my own REST server (not the cloud).

I'm having some difficulty finding the right library to use and a simple example showing how to code a GET or POST call. I need to have the ability to specify server, port, and path.
Can someone recommend:
Best Library to use
Sample code performing a simple GET or POST to a REST server.

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Did you try WiFiNINA? You end up manually "performing HTTP" as shown in the WiFiWebClient example

    client.println("GET /json HTTP/1.1");
    client.println("Connection: close");

To process the JSON response (and to create JSON request bodies), use ArduinoJson. For a memory-constrained board like yours, you may stick to version 6. Use the Assistant. You should be able to use the WiFi client as a stream. Note the link there if using streams is too slow.

You can refer to this Arduino making HTTP request tutorial