I am using the Lidar light v3 in the I2C with the Arduino mega.
I downloaded the manual.
the manual tells me that the Blue wire is SDA and the Green wire is SCL.
the connection diagram shows that I only need 5 VDC and ground for power.
so I have 5vdc from the Arduino and the ground hooked up
I am using the sda pin20 to the sda blue wire
I have scl pin 21 to the scl green wire.
I ran the example and get " >nack" scrolling.
> nack
> nack
> nack
> nack
> nack
> nack
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong
here is the test code
LIDARLite Arduino Library
This example shows how to initialize, configure, and read distance from a
LIDAR-Lite connected over the I2C interface.
LIDAR-Lite 5 Vdc (red) to Arduino 5v
LIDAR-Lite I2C SCL (green) to Arduino SCL
LIDAR-Lite I2C SDA (blue) to Arduino SDA
LIDAR-Lite Ground (black) to Arduino GND
(Capacitor recommended to mitigate inrush current when device is enabled)
680uF capacitor (+) to Arduino 5v
680uF capacitor (-) to Arduino GND
See the Operation Manual for wiring diagrams and more information:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LIDARLite.h>
LIDARLite myLidarLite;
void setup()
Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize serial connection to display distance readings
begin(int configuration, bool fasti2c, char lidarliteAddress)
Starts the sensor and I2C.
configuration: Default 0. Selects one of several preset configurations.
fasti2c: Default 100 kHz. I2C base frequency.
If true I2C frequency is set to 400kHz.
lidarliteAddress: Default 0x62. Fill in new address here if changed. See
operating manual for instructions.
myLidarLite.begin(0, true); // Set configuration to default and I2C to 400 kHz
configure(int configuration, char lidarliteAddress)
Selects one of several preset configurations.
configuration: Default 0.
0: Default mode, balanced performance.
1: Short range, high speed. Uses 0x1d maximum acquisition count.
2: Default range, higher speed short range. Turns on quick termination
detection for faster measurements at short range (with decreased
3: Maximum range. Uses 0xff maximum acquisition count.
4: High sensitivity detection. Overrides default valid measurement detection
algorithm, and uses a threshold value for high sensitivity and noise.
5: Low sensitivity detection. Overrides default valid measurement detection
algorithm, and uses a threshold value for low sensitivity and noise.
lidarliteAddress: Default 0x62. Fill in new address here if changed. See
operating manual for instructions.
myLidarLite.configure(0); // Change this number to try out alternate configurations
void loop()
distance(bool biasCorrection, char lidarliteAddress)
Take a distance measurement and read the result.
biasCorrection: Default true. Take aquisition with receiver bias
correction. If set to false measurements will be faster. Receiver bias
correction must be performed periodically. (e.g. 1 out of every 100
lidarliteAddress: Default 0x62. Fill in new address here if changed. See
operating manual for instructions.
// Take a measurement with receiver bias correction and print to serial terminal
// Take 99 measurements without receiver bias correction and print to serial terminal
for(int i = 0; i < 99; i++)