Life span of an arduino in an industrial environment

Hello, I am on a project to calculate the speed and angle of the wheels of a construction machine and I want to use an Arduino Uno but I don't know if it's a good idea especially if it doesn't last long.

Do you have any idea how long it will last knowing that I receive signals from two sensors and I display them on a screen and I save the data on a micro SD card every 0.5 seconds.
Otherwise if you have any other ideas besides the Arduino it would be nice.


try a web search for arduino industrial and similar topics
associated power supplies would also need to be of industrial quality
also the dupont jumper cabling used with arduinos is not suitable for industrial environments

I have used Arduinos to build prototype systems to prove functionality but then moved to design and manufacture of custom PCBs

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Its not the just IO signals that kill Arduinos, its heat, moisture, vibration and shitty power.
Protect against all of those and you should be fine.
You'll want to solder your power connections and either reconnector your individual duponts into groups or add shrouds to help keep the wiring intact but still allow module replacement without soldering. You'll need a screw terminal shield for your cpu.

Get a 3d printer to make mounts for your modules or you'll spend $$$ on screws, nuts, washers & spacers to mount all the bits & pieces.

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Thank you Horace, I searched and found the Industrial 101 board from Arduino and I don't know if the code I made can work on this board and libraries like <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> can work with it. do you have any idea ?

thank you madmark, I think it's a good idea because I'm also looking to buy a 3d printer. but what do you say about the lifespan given the number of writes in EEPROM (10,000x), or in flash (100,000x) ?

never used the industral 101 but the ATmega32u4 is very limited on flash and SRAM - also no idea how the Liniux system interacts with it
I think we need a requirements specification of your proposed system
also looks like you could kill your EEPROM - use FRAM?

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The flash is updated when you update the program so that lifetime isn't normally an issue.
The EEPROM should be used for control params that don't change often. If you need storage add a microSD reader. 32gb will hold a lot of data.

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I don't want to use the EEPROM because it can die in a few days or even a few hours and i don't know how to use FRAM or if it can last for few years, so I opted for an SD card.

So i will not have problemes if my code is a bit complex in terms of variables and functions to call. And i'm not using an EEPROM, juste an SD card. One more question : do you think the temperature inside a construction machine will cause problem ?

how high a temperature?
have you seen industruino DIN mounted devices?

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Absolutely. military derate lifetime by half for every 10°c rise. Find a low, as cool as possible location and shock mount it. you could put it in block of Styrofoam to insulate it.

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Look at this article

Each byte can be read/written 10,000,000,000,000 times

Writing every half second gives you 5,000,000,000,000 seconds before failure. That’s roughly 158 millennium

Is that enough ?

I would not go for a UNO - use boards that are easy to solder on a PCB like a mini or micro in the AVR range.

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it's great, especially when you want to make an industrial prototype. But for the temperature it's the same 0-55°. just that this product is well insulated and solid.

I have used the MB85RC64_FRAM in a number of projects - I2C interface is easy to use

Yes, thank you madmark. For now it will be just a prototype. After with a 3d printer I will isolate it well and solder all the wires. One last question, I have 50mA as input, is that good or should I reduce it? if yes, what is the correct method?

Thank tou J-M-L, For the moment I opted for an SD card module. Because I don't have free analog pins (for the I2C I already used a display LCD).

50mA @ what voltage? Power in? Power out? Power needed by ____ ...

the Ouput of the sensor is 50mA and 12V (i added a voltage divider with 2 resistors to adapt it with the 5V of the arduino input Pin D2) ! but for the 50mA i don't know if i can let it like this or do something to decrease it

I2C is a bus so you can have multiple elements connected to it

Almost certainly far better than Windoze! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Only if you write to it unnecessarily often.