Lithium charging board smoking buttons

I'm hoping I'll get minimal criticism for this cry for help.

I have the following setup and I saw smoke come out of the button after a while. The lithuim charging board seems to be a new board, and the setup is of course a little raw, jimmy rigged. I'm trying to achieve the most portable setup for a self charging power for ws2812b strips and this is the best i can come up with. Can anyone think of a reason preventing the button from smoking?

The lithium charge module has a pin K for turning on and off, which is lovely. Unfortunately I cannot find much info on this board available online... And I used one button to turn on 2 lithuim charge modules at the same time, I believe this is the issue, and that the connection of the same button to Arduino's digital pin has little effect in this problem...

The product description says:
"Support external buttons, connect the button to K point and output negative pole, short press to turn on the power display and turn on the 5V output, two consecutive short presses will turn off the power display and turn off the 5v output."
However issue rises when I do it for 2 modules at the same time...


Current to batteries too much for buttons (and probably the breadboard) . Those cheap switches in the kit, can only carry logic levels, no real current.
Use heavier wires to/from batts and anything in that line. Find better interconnections (no breadboard for power).

Hi, @nervusvagus

When you were pressing it or when it was not pressed?

Do you have a DMM, Digital MultiMeter?

Can you please post some images of your project?

Thanks... Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

You can't take this stuff personally - unless somebody actually gets personal.

(Those shouldn't be charging and running the project at the same time.)

Maybe add current limiting resistors in the middle of your blue wires and see if it is enough to still toggle the power and help eliminate the button as the cause of the problem.

This may help;

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Note in the suggested circuit on page 9 of the data sheet.

The 10K resistor in series with the button.
IP5306.pdf (915.8 KB)

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:


wow thank you, I wasn't able to find the data sheet for this board. Could you help me understand this note? not sure what I should do.

Look where the button is and at R1 in series with it.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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Wrong IC


Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

So are you saying if you have just one boost converter (either one) connected everything works OK but as soon as you connect the second boost converter the button smokes?

Wrong IC

What IC is it then?
Does the OP have the wrong PCB?

To quote a Queensland Politician, "Please Explain!!!?

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

It means this:

Instead of the button directly shorting out from K to GND with the blue wires, the button should include a 10K resistor in series between K and GND so the current is limited to maybe 5V/10000ohm = 0.5mA.

Okay I basically put a 10k resistor on the cable from K pin going to the button.

"10k resistor in series" basically translated to a pull down resistor in a google search which involved 5v, ground and pin connections, so basically 3 points instead my 2, K and Groundso i was confused if thats what i needed to figure out, that extra 5v connection on google search graphs were hard to understand.

Did it stop smoking?
Does it still work?

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Yes so far it seems to be okay, this was the first test of this portable strip and other than the button smoking I had the 2nd part, the further 2.5 meter part stop completely working so also trying to fix that, then will test again continously to see if it is okay.

Perhaps @jim-p is referring to the IC in the amazon link they provided which contains
fm532ga 123t55 not IP5036.

Yup FM5324GA.
Same device by the looks of it.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia: