Hi, I need to create a circuit that flashes an LED @ approximately 2.2v & 500ma for a few micro seconds each time. I was thinking of using a mosfet. I need to be able to use 3.3v logic levels. (teensyboard).
I'm having an issue sourcing a mosfet that will work due to the sheer amount of them available, I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the info out there basically.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
What voltage will the leds be powered from? In other words how much voltage headroom do the transistors have to work with?
How much current can the teensy pins source or sink? Have you considered BJTs as an alternative to MOSFETs? BJTs are switched by current rather than voltage.
[ADDED] I see that PaulRB asked the right questions. Switching on for a few microseconds with a mosfet is not easy because of its gate capacitance (which can be 1nF). A single transistor that can do 500mA might be better.
I know enough about transistors to know that I don't know enough about transistors to give you a definitive answer!
The power MOSFETs suggested by @Koepel seem overkill for switching 500mA. I don't know if switching speed will be an issue with them or not.
An ordinary NPN BJT like BC337 can handle 500mA, especially as they will be on for only short periods. Normally you would want to get the BJT into its saturation region to minimise voltage drop and power dissipation, but switching is slower in that region, and there's no great need to minimise those things here.
So maybe try bc337 with a base series resistor to limit the current to less than 4mA. (3.3V - 0.7V)/4 ~= 680R perhaps. Someone check my maths here: will the base-emitter drop be as high as 0.7V?