Make led blink using two nrf24l01


Is it possible to write a code that allows one arduino nano with a lcd screen, button and nrf24l01 to send a command to another arduino nano, nrf24l01 with a led to make the led flash for duration of time?

I reason for this is for the one module with the blinking led to be a visual indicator that both modules are connected.

Any help/advise would be grateful. Thank you

It sure is. Just don't have a too large distans between the 2 units.

The hardest part is getting the radios to communicate. Robin2's simple rf24 tutorial is a good starting point.

Google "arduino led rf24" to see how others have done that.

I've already got the radios communicating so that's not a issue.

So whats the problem? (am I missing something here?)

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