5V (NANO) to VIN (MAX30102)
GND (NANO) to GND (MAX30102)
A4 (NANO) to SDA (MAX30102)
A5 (NANO) to SCL (MAX30102)
The MAX30102 operates on 1.8V (max. is 2.2V) and a separate 3.3V for the LEDs. If you actually connected the MAX30102 to 5V you fried it. I expect that you don't use the MAX30102 directly but some breakout board. As you failed to post schematics of that board we cannot check if you've done the wiring correctly.
Somebody have an idea if a missing something or my sensor is broken?
You're missing a sketch on the Nano. Without software the Arduino doesn't know how to contact the sensor and ask for it's data.
I made the connections again, (I connect the sensor with the Arduino NANO through breadboard) as I show you in the attached picture.
I compile/run the next script:
#include <Wire.h>
#include "MAX30105.h"
MAX30105 particleSensor;
#define debug Serial //Uncomment this line if you're using an Uno or ESP
//#define debug SerialUSB //Uncomment this line if you're using a SAMD21
void setup()
debug.println("MAX30105 Basic Readings Example");
// Initialize sensor
if (particleSensor.begin() == false)
debug.println("MAX30105 was not found. Please check wiring/power. ");
while (1);
particleSensor.setup(); //Configure sensor. Use 6.4mA for LED drive
void loop()
debug.print(" R[");
debug.print("] IR[");
debug.print("] G[");
The message displayed by the "Monitor Serial" is:
MAX30105 Basic Readings Example
MAX30105 was not found. Please check wiring/power.
Please, your help to determine what is missing to works successfully the sensor.
Now, you bought a new breakout board containing such a sensor. Without that board's schematics we have guess what it might do, so post schematics of that board if you need help!