Hi, im trying to use a MAX7219 and some transistiors to drive large 4 inch 7 segment displays
However it seems that the MAX7219 is doing nothing i am connecting it as its on the schematics here, but for some reason the segment pins are constantly GND and the digits are constantly on, the segments are lighting always, the code is supposed to only turn on the A segment but it seems that the max7219 is not responding, any idea
The 7 segment displays are common anode and im using uln2803 to drive the currents
I'm thinking in putting out the Uln2803 and the nax7219 and just make the multiplexing using the Arduino pins directly and a BJT transistor for the digit pins
@momokash ,
I have deleted your other topic on the same subject, which you added to the end of another topic. Please do not add your questions on the end of other people's topics and please only start a topic once.