Measuring fabrics width using arduino

Can you tell me about a sensor that measures the width of the cloth that travels through a roller?

Maybe some form of optical reflector and a reflective roller ?
Depends on how accurately you want to measure too .

There won’t be something specific , you’ll have to Engineer something from sensors that are likely to respond to some physical property of the setup - optical , mechanical. It’s a one in a million chance that someone here would have measured cloth on a roller !

It maybe worth seeing if there are examples in say paper industry ?

You either build or buy something like this:

CALT GHW38 Roller Polyurethane Wheel Length Position Meter Measuring Pulse Rotary Encoder Steel Mounting Spring Bracket for Lift Rail (1000PPR200mm)
The image should get you started. The wheel of a known diameter is tied to a rotary encoder. The encoder outputs pulses and you count the pulses and convert to a unit of measure (length). If a wheel has an OD of 2.0 inches you know the radius is 1.0 inch
C=2*π **r *=2·π·1≈6.28319 so the wheel travels about 6.28319 inches per revolution.


Can you tell me about a sensor that measures the width of the cloth that travels through a roller?

What sort of width(s) of cloth are you expecting to measure?

Do you need to measure both sides as the material is centred on the roller or just one side as the other side of the material is up against an edge?

How accurate do your measurements need to be?

How fast/often do you need to measure?

What sort of width(s) of cloth are you expecting to measure?

Do you need to measure both sides as the material is centred on the roller or just one side as the other side of the material is up against an edge?

How accurate do your measurements need to be?

How fast/often do you need to measure?

If the fabric that travels through the roller shifts from its trajectory to the left or right, we need to get the information. Once it gets digital data, we can fix it with some other mechanism.

If the fabric that travels through the roller shifts from its trajectory to the left or right, we need to get the information. Once it gets digital data, we can fix it with some other mechanism. The fabric runs at three hundred rpm per minute. We need to maximum accuracy.

Thanks your reply

If the fabric that travels through the roller shifts from its trajectory to the left or right, we need to get the information. Once it gets digital data, we can fix it with some other mechanism. The fabric runs at three hundred rpm per minute. We need to maximum accuracy.

It sounds like all you need is to know whether the fabric is centered on the roller. That is not the same as measuring its width. How about a string of optical sensors across the length of the roller? The number of sensors is determined by the resolution you need. "Maximum accuracy" is not a good specification. Does that mean 5 cm? 1 cm? 1 mm? 0.1 mm?
Three hundred rpm per minute is redundant. And I assume the fabric is not actually spinning itself.

Is this a real project ?

If you are going to measure fabric width, then you need a real specification for 'maximum accuracy' its meaningless otherwise.

And for fabric speed, you would need to know metres per second speed and how often you are measuring it.

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