Click the globe icon ("interactive viewer") near the top right of the page.
The interactive viewer will open.
Select the "3D" tab from the toolbar at the top of the interactive viewer.
Wait for the PCB design to finish loading.
Click the ⓘ icon from the toolbar at the top of the interactive viewer.
An info pane will open on the right side of the interactive viewer.
Click on the component you would like to identify.
The info panel will now show information about the component. Scroll down and click "Show More" to see it all.
From this information, I was able to determine the manufacturer (Phoenix Contact) and manufacturer part number (1771101). Pop that into Google and you should find the component, as well as suppliers, in the search results.
Thank You very much! @ptillisch , not only you gave me my answer but went beyond it, teaching me how to do it from now one. Truly Appreciate it! "knowledge does not serve mankind if you don't pass it along" - an old wise man said it to me almost everyday... my father, also a teacher...