Need some help with connecting a new esp32

Hey guys. First, of all thanks for helping! Second, i don't know if this is the right thread for my issue or not.

I just tried to connect my esp32-wroom-32D. The PC cannot connect to the board, for some reason. in the serial monitor it says: "Port monitor error: command 'open' failed: Invalid serial port. Could not connect to COM1 port.

I have an other version of an esp32 also laying around. that one works fine, but is a diffrent kind of esp32 tho.

in the board manager i have installed the esp board files from esperiff and i also added those extra boards in the prefences:

the esp32 is connected via an usb-c -> usb cable. i've tried out multible cables already.

Your topic has been moved to a more generic forum category as it is not a Nano ESP32

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Post a picture or a link to the product page

That's a module with castellated side contacts, no USB connector, no power supply etc. It's a 'bare' ESP32 so to speak. What kind of board are you using? Can you post a photo?

Please go into the Device Manager on Windows and verify how many COM ports there are. On many PC's, COM1 is a default COM port reported by the BIOS and it may not even be broken out on a hardware port. It may be entirely unrelated to your ESP32 board.

Thanks for your replay! Thats the link, I've bought it from!EUR!8.35!0.91!!!63.72!6.99!%40211b8f9817276247433202453e8ab1!12000037109059510!sea!AT!0!ABX&curPageLogUid=tzVXf4hPOixg&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A&_gl=1*i3sv43*_gcl_au*MTczNTQ2MjgyMy4xNzI3NjI0NzA5*_ga*MjEwOTYyNDIzLjE3Mjc2MjQ3MDg.*_ga_VED1YSGNC7*MTcyNzYyNDcwNy4xLjEuMTcyNzYyNDc0NS4yMy4wLjA.

Thanks for your replay!

OK, you may need to install the CH340 drivers, although in my experience Windows tends to install them automatically.

No, that's not the right part. This bit you need to look at:
If the driver hasn't installed properly, you may have an 'unknown' device somewhere in the tree. Can you post the whole thing, with the COM ports expanded - like this:

thank you!


Do you have another microcontroller board connected to the computer? Or a USB-UART bridge? COM3 shows a CP2102 but that's not what's on the board you photographed.

You did not post the whole tree.

Also, the cable that you use to connect the board to the computer, are you certain that it's suitable for data transfer? There are a lot of USB cables around that only provide power to the peripheral ('charging cables') without connecting the data lines. The PC won't detect the board if you use one of those cables.

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You need to install the CH340 driver.

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Glad it worked.
Have a nice day.

thanks! you have a nice day as well <3