Need some part numbers for an infrared based RPM gadget


has any built this project for detecting RPM using an infrared sensors?

I sure could use the part number for the IR LED and ID Photodiode

Thanks in advance.

This is a home made version of

It is a common sensor that consists of an IR LED and a photo transistor. The receiver (phototransistor) is connected from a digital input to ground with a pull up R to 5v. When the IR is reflected from an object, the transistor conducts and takes the digital input low.

There are various styles available from most hobby electronics suppliers.


Any common IR Led should work as the emitter. (e..g. TSAL6100)
Any matching IR phototransistor should do. (no model # no to hand - just do a search on digikey etc)

If you can get a pair, as in the previous post even better. However, depending on the project setup, you may need to place them apart?

The important thing is to ensure that the wavelength of both devices match ->commonly 940nm.