OLED 0.96in do nothing

I am having a problem with my Oled display. Ive already search for a solution but nothing so far.
I wire the display to an Arduino Uno(Diagram attach), using IDE 1.8.5.
I've already use the scanner I2C programm, and it show 0x3C and it is already in my code and doesnt show nothing on the screen. I have used the Adafruit library and nothing.

Does Anyone have any solution to my problem, I will be very greatfull

The code that i use and run without a problem, I also tried to run the examples of the Adafruit Library and no respond of the screen.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#define OLED_RESET 4
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET);
#define NUMFLAKES 10
#define XPOS 0
#define YPOS 1
#define DELTAY 2
#define LOGO16_GLCD_HEIGHT 16
#define LOGO16_GLCD_WIDTH 16
static const unsigned char PROGMEM logo16_glcd_bmp[] =
B00000000, B11000000,
B00000001, B11000000,
B00000001, B11000000,
B00000011, B11100000,
B11110011, B11100000,
B11111110, B11111000,
B01111110, B11111111,
B00110011, B10011111,
B00011111, B11111100,
B00001101, B01110000,
B00011011, B10100000,
B00111111, B11100000,
B00111111, B11110000,
B01111100, B11110000,
B01110000, B01110000,
B00000000, B00110000
#define SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT 64
#if (SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT != 64)
#error(“Height incorrect, please fix Adafruit_SSD1306.h!”)

//——code for RPM—————-
int encoder_pin = 2;
// The pin the encoder is connected
unsigned int rpm;
// rpm reading
volatile byte pulses;
// number of pulses
unsigned long timeold;
// The number of pulses per revolution
// depends on your index disc!!
unsigned int pulsesperturn = 1;
void counter()
//Update count
void setup() {
// by default, we’ll generate the high voltage from the 3.3v line internally! (neat!)

// initialize with the I2C addr 0x3D (for the 128×64)
// init done
// Show image buffer on the display hardware.
// Since the buffer is intialized with an Adafruit splashscreen
// internally, this will display the splashscreen.
// Clear the buffer.
// draw a single pixel
//display.drawPixel(10, 10, WHITE);
// Show the display buffer on the hardware.
// NOTE: You _must_ call display after making any drawing commands
// to make them visible on the display hardware!
//———–code for RPM—————
//Use statusPin to flash along with interrupts
pinMode(encoder_pin, INPUT);
//Interrupt 0 is digital pin 2, so that is where the IR detector is connected
//Triggers on FALLING (change from HIGH to LOW)
attachInterrupt(0, counter, FALLING);
// Initialize
pulses = 0;
rpm = 0;
timeold = 0;
void loop(){
/*Uptade every one second, this will be equal to reading frecuency (Hz).*/
//Don’t process interrupts during calculations
//Note that this would be 60*1000/(millis() – timeold)*pulses if the interrupt
//happened once per revolution
timeold = millis();
pulses = 0;
//Write it out to serial port
Serial.print("RPM = ");
//Restart the interrupt processing
attachInterrupt(0, counter, FALLING);
int valLen;
int displayWidth = 128;
int letterWidth = 18;
void updateDisplay(int rpm){
if(rpm > 9999)
valLen = 5;
else if(rpm > 999)
valLen = 4;
else if(rpm > 99)
valLen = 3;
else if(rpm > 9)
valLen = 2;
valLen = 1;

//————-update display————

// text display tests
display.setTextColor(BLACK, WHITE);
// ‘inverted’ text
// display.println(0xDEADBEEF, HEX);

add "wire.begin(0x..)". Try witout the SPI service
remove comment where needed

(code seems to be made for another display)

Assuming you have an SSD1306, I had a bad time to start with, but this might help