Power Arduino nano with the same power supply as the LED's with DC-Stepdown

My goal is to power the arduino nano with the same power supply as the LED-stripe.

Current setup and wiring with USB as powersource:

My plan is to wire the DC-Stepdown between the power supply and the VIN-Pin on the board:

Then I configure the stepdown-module to output 5V.

Will this work or will it fry my board ?


in general, this should work if you connect the positive output of the step down module to the 5V pin of the Arduino. (in case the regulator is set to 5V) :+1:.

But actually there is a voltage regulator built in the Arduino board which should be able to handle 7 - 12V on the VIN pin....

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Thank you for your answer, it did work :slight_smile:
I hooked the step down module to the VIN Pin and also regulated it down to 5 Volts, just to be safe.

vin needs to be a volt or two higher than +5. But if you wire the 5v from the step down directly to the 5v pin you should be fine

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