Is it possible to make or find power rails on easyeda?
What is a power rail?
The strips on breadboards that provides power without needing to connect device power straight to arduino
But could you make it shorter? And would you connect pin 1 to the 5v or gnd?
Like this?
Connect it to whatever you want, GND or 5V.
Pick any size you want, just make sure the hole spacing is 2.54mm (0.1 inch) just like on a breadboard
Up to you, do you like it?
You need to route a trace between all the pins, I used a 50mil wide trace
Very good
Does the gnd and 5v have to be connected to the square pins?
because i have been trying to get it to connect there by putting them to pin 1 or pin 9 but no luck
No, it can connect to any pin.
Just start routing from pin 1 (square pin).
You don't need to route from where the ratsnest is connected.
- If one row is GND, connect that row of pins to the GND pour.
Add thermal isolation between the pour and pad.
- For 5v and GND rails, remember to add de-coupling between them.
what is de-coupling?
sorry, i am totally new to all of this and feeling a little overwhelmed.
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