I am really new to all of this. I am trying to control a singular micro servo with my nano every. I know your not really supposed to do this but I used my nano to power the servo it works for the most part. it will start to execute a sweep code but randomly jumps back to its start position and this just keeps repeating. it rarely completes a full sweep. I am thinking this is a power issue? I got a 3.7 volt li-ion battery (this voltage should fall within operating range of my servo) to try to provide external power. I just wired it up and nothing happens. my guess is that I did it wrong, I am trying to do this without the use of a breadboard, and could find no info on this anywhere. any tips would be very helpful.
No, this is a "you are destroying your nano" issue.
Power your Nano with the USB cable, and power your servo like this drawing from ArduinoGetStarted.com (the green connector is external power)...
Wow, that is exactly what I was looking for thank you. Dang, I was kind of close with my wiring. I just don't have a way to connect ground to both my servo and nano, is that essentially what the green connector is doing in the diagram?
The green connector is power and ground.
Ok so this connector has 1 power and 2 ground then? Thank your feedback.
Nope, it has two screws one for + the other for - but you can place two reasonable sized wires under each screw. You can wire nut or wago connect two or more wires together for power.
Oh, i get it. I think I know how what I need to do now. thank you both for your help.
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