Hi everyone. Sorry if this is a noob question, but I'm stumped and really need some guidance. I just got an Arduino UNO R4 wifi and I'm trying to use it for the first time. The thing is, no matter what USB port I connect my Arduino to, it always shows like COM6. I cannot select any other port on the IDE (version 2.2.1). Is this supposed to work like this? If my Arduino is not on what I'm assuming is the real COM6, I get this error, get this error, even though the IDE says my Arduino is at COM6:
Cannot perform port reset: TOUCH: error during reset: opening port at 1200bps: Serial port busy
No device found on COM6
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1
If I change USB ports by trial and error it eventually finds one that I can use to upload my code. However, here comes the bigger part of the problem. I want to send the sensor data my Arduino is reading to a P5.js sketch. I tried all the libraries I could find for this and they all give me a problem with ports too. They also only find COM6 no matter with USB port I'm using, but can't open it to actually get the signal.
I already tried changing the cable and I tried using another computer, but the problem always remains (on the other computer it always reads COM3). Is this normal? What am I doing wrong? I just want to read a really basic sensor, this was supposed to be a beginner-friendly project