HI! I have just finished building BCN3D Moveo. I use Arduino mega 2560 and Marlin fimeware and TB 5650 stepper motor driver. I connect Nema 23 to the ramps 1.4. The Z Axis stepper motors only step into only one direction with the G code programmer. I connect the stepper to the driver, then to the ramps 1.4.
What should I do? Help me, please.
My first question is what is "BCN3D Moveo"?
And maybe you can guess from that that you need to provide a lot more information before anyone will be able to offer useful advice.
For example, have you built everything according to the recommendations? If not, what was recommended? and what have you changed?
I don't think you have the correct name for the stepper driver.
Please post a link to the datasheet for your stepper motors.
What stepper motor power supply have you got (volts and amps).
First, be aware that unplugging a motor while the driver is powered will destroy the driver instantly. Is it possible you already did this?
Check your connections thoroughly. (With power off.)
y first question is what is "BCN3D Moveo"?
BCN3D Moveo is a open Source 3D printed robotic arm designed by BCN3D.( https://www.bcn3dtechnologies.com/en/bcn3d-moveo-the-future-of-learning/)
And maybe you can guess from that that you need to provide a lot more information before anyone will be able to offer useful advice.
For example, have you built everything according to the recommendations? If not, what was recommended? and what have you changed?
The official wiring diagram is missing but I found an other diagram which is very similar.
I don't think you have the correct name for the stepper driver.
Sorry, I made a mistake the correct name is: TB 6560(
Please post a link to the datasheet for your stepper motors.
What stepper motor power supply have you got (volts and amps)
I use 12V and 5amps for 4 drivers (2 drivers have motors)
First, be aware that unplugging a motor while the driver is powered will destroy the driver instantly. Is it possible you already did this
I think the driver is still working since it works in one direction
Check your connections thoroughly. (With power off.)
I have already check the connections it seems to be correct.
For example, have you built everything according to the recommendations? If not, what was recommended? and what have you changed?
The official wiring diagram is missing but I found an other diagram which is very similar.
That does not tell me whether (or not) you have built your robot exactly the same as the recommendations.
What I'm trying to figure out is whether the problem is because you have changed something.