Problems connecting to HM-10 Bluetooth module and sending AT commands

Hi there,
I want to build something that detects a Smartphone when it comes into reach of an hm-10 Bluetooth module using an Arduino nano.
But I was not able to connect to the Bluetooth module in any way yet.
I tried to connect the BT module to my phone (Motorola moto g 2), but it told me that the paring code was wrong. I tried different pairing codes, only when I tried 0000 it didn’t show the error message, but it also didn’t pair.
So I wanted to connect it to my PC using the Arduino and serial communication and try it out, but I can’t get it to work. I used different code options for the Arduino, but when I send AT in the serial monitor I never got a response.

//  Basic serial communication sketch using AltSoftSerial (ASS). 
//  Uses hardware serial to talk to the host computer and ASS for communication with the Bluetooth module
//  When a command is entered in the serial monitor on the computer 
//  the Arduino will relay it to the Bluetooth module and display the result in the serial monitor.
//  Pins
//  BT VCC to Arduino 5V out. 
//  BT GND to GND
//  Arduino D8 ASS RX - BT TX no need voltage divider 
//  Arduino D9 ASS TX - BT TX through a voltage divider
#include <AltSoftSerial.h>
AltSoftSerial BTSerial; 
char c=' ';
boolean NL = true;
void setup() 
    Serial.print("Sketch:   ");   Serial.println(__FILE__);
    Serial.print("Uploaded: ");   Serial.println(__DATE__);
    Serial.println(" ");
    Serial.println("BTserial started at 9600");
    // If using an HC-05 in AT command mode the baud rate is likely to be 38400
    // Comment out the above 2 lines and uncomment the following 2 lines. 
    // BTSerial.begin(38400); 
    // Serial.println("BTserial started at 38400");
void loop()
    // Read from the Bluetooth module and send to the Arduino Serial Monitor
    if (BTSerial.available())
        c =;
    // Read from the Serial Monitor and send to the Bluetooth module
    if (Serial.available())
        c =;
        // Echo the user input to the main window. The ">" character indicates the user entered text.
        if (NL) { Serial.print(">");  NL = false; }
        if (c==10) { NL = true; }

I’m using this BT modul:
And this board for mounting it:

Since I don’t know if the second board is the right one for what I want, I also soldered wires to the BT module itself and tried to connect it, but that didn’t help. I followed this schematic, even though I don’t know how the switch should work in this case.

I also tried holding down the button on the board while powering it up, but that didn’t help either.
I hope someone can help me, that would be very nice.

I believe all HM-10 have a 6-digit password, and the button is redundant.
You may need to declare the pins 8,9 for serial. I say "may" because I don't know anything about altsoft serial.