Problems with giga display shield

My giga display shield now just shows a green background with black lines. It was working before so I don't know what happened .

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Can you share the following details with us?

  • Picture of the display shield with screen on
  • whats was the last working sketch?
  • Have you tried uploading a different example sketch?

Sorry that I havent been replying my giga r1 is broken I dont want to take this topic off topic so I will create a new one where I will go into detail about what happened.

Hi sorry for the very late reply. Connecting the giga display shield makes my arduino disconnect and as soon as I disconnect the display it reconnects

Do you happen to have any connections to the board or the Display shield?

We will have to take a closer look into the connections and board in this case to see whats happening. Can you get in contact with us through the contact us form?

No its just the Giga and the shield. I have noticed that 3.3V and 5V is swapped for the connector pins for the shield

I ordered my display shield off RS UK so I dont have the order number. Should I just put the order number from my RS UK order

Can you share a picture of this in the post for any other user with this issue?

Also, in this case, you should be able to get a replacement through RS components.

I did some testing and noticed that with a sketch that uses the giga display shield makes 6the arduino disconnect. It connects for a brief moment and then quickly disconnects

Hi, I didn't mean the invoice to be shared here, I was asking for the swapped connector part where you noticed the issue on your shield. You can edit the previous message to remove the invoice. In this case, please get in touch with RS components for replacement.

Sorry I didnt understand you too well I measured the voltages and it seems that is is just the text. The front side is correct the back side is wrong

on the back side 5V is on the bottom and on the front side 3.3V is on the bottom

Thank you for sharing the images, that is a mistake on the silk, we have reported this to the team and made a note of it. The correct marking is the one on the front side. But this shouldn't be causing the behaviour you have with the board. Will have to look into the sketch you tried to run on the board, try the example sketch from the display shield docs page.

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Sadly it seems that my arduino is completely broken I accidently applied 12V to A0 with the gnd of the 12v being connect to the arduino. The on light is not turning on. Voltage is being applied to 5v because I am getting power surge on usb port notifications when I short them to ground

Hi, sorry for the late reply. It sounds like you're experiencing a disconnection issue with your Arduino when you connect the GIGA Display Shield. This is a common problem that can occur if the shield is mounted incorrectly. Ensure that the pin sockets of the GIGA Display Shield are facing downwards, towards the Arduino, and not upwards towards the screen. Sometimes, mounting it the wrong way can cause connection issues, leading to the Arduino disconnecting whenever the display is connected and reconnecting once the display is removed.

Yes don't be like me. I went to the trouble of removing the guards on the top of giga board to mount the display just like you do for any other shield only to finally figure out that is to be mounted from the bottom. This actually makes great sense since you can still use other shields on the top. Fortunately it seems like you cannot damage the board or display from improper mounting like this. Mine seems to have survived my confusion.


To ensure clear understanding and to assist other users who might face the same issue, it would be extremely helpful to share a photo of the correct assembly of the GIGA Display Shield on the Arduino board. This would allow everyone to see exactly how it should be mounted to avoid connection issues or damage to the components.


Hello sorry for the very late reply But I bought a new giga board and it seemed to fix the issue