I have burned optiboot bootloader in ATmega808 (using megacoreX in Arduino IDE). I am able to burn code using the bootloader directly from Arduino IDE. But when I am trying to do the same using avrdude in command line, it is not working.
I have downloaded AVRdude 7.0 from gitHub and using that for command line, not the one that Arduino IDE uses. Can anyone tell me what is wrong? I am not facing this problem with older AVR chips like mega8/328 or mega16/32.
More details, please.
What avrdude command are you using, and what errors result?
What type of physical connection do you have (USB/Serial converter, etc, and which wires are connected)?
avrdude: flash memory specified, an erase cycle will be performed. To disable this feature use -D option
avrdude: erasing chip
chip erase instruction not defined for part "ATmega808"
If I am using the -D command, I am getting a verification mismatch and the programming is cancelled.