It seems reasonable that leading and trailing sloped edges might be an advantage (for the fan),
The purpose of sharp leading and trailing edges is to ensure that the transistor is either fully on or fully off so that the amount of energy it must dissipate is minimised. If it spends any appreciable time in the transition phase the transistor will heat up and might be destroyed.
Of course not all electric motors are suitable for being driven by a PWM controlled power supply.
An analog power control circuit would generally be bigger and more expensive as it would have to be designed to dissipate a lot of energy. And the details are well beyond my pay grade.
However a digital device like an Arduino can only produce HIGH or LOW outputs and if you did have a suitable analog power control circuit you would need some sort of digital-to-analog converter between the Arduino and the power control circuit.
There are ways that you can emulate a ramp up. Say for example you want to switch pin9 to 70% with a ramp of 10 (the number of intermediate phases). Develop a little function similar to this:
ramp_pwm(9, 70, 10);
void ramp_pwm(byte pwm_pin, byte duty_cycle , uint16_t ramp)
if(duty_cycle > 100) duty_cycle = 100; // sanity checks
if(ramp > 255) ramp = 255;
byte pwm_final = ((((int)duty_cycle * 255) + 50) /100); // the +50 is for rounding
for (byte step = 1; step < ramp; step++)
byte pwm_ramp = (int)((step * pwm_final) / ramp);
analogWrite(pwm_pin, pwm_ramp);
delay(2); // PWM @ 490Hz, allows 1 full cycle, otherwise loop is too fast
analogWrite(pwm_pin, pwm_final);
You need to be careful here though, while the RMS value of a square wave is Vcc * duty_cycle, you are no longer dealing with a pure square wave. The RMS calculation would need to include the sawtooth portion (the slopey bit) at the front and the value of the remainder of the duty cycle. We can get into that in more detail if it interests you. In reality, unless you choose a long ramp it won't amount to a whole bunch, and a few test runs while tweaking is probably easier than the math.
I realized after writing Reply #1 that I had not mentioned the PWM frequency. The standard Arduino PWM frequency is about 490Hz. It is possible to change that but it is not a regular Arduino feature. I can't recall what is the practical upper limit for an Arduino.
Some motors work better with higher PWM frequencies - maybe even as high as 30kHz.