Quadcopter controlled by android via Bluetooth

Hi guys,i'm making a quad copter controlled by an android device via Bluetooth.
The app which i would be using is Arduino BT Joystick.I will use 4 brushless motors and 30 amp esc's,and a gyro(MPU6050).I'm really new to programming and stuff and would use all the help i can get.
I also want to put a camera on it which rotates 360 degrees.So,could you guys please help me out through this build?Thank you

What is the Arduino doing? How much have you gotten to work, so far? What is causing problems?


Instead of making that from scratch, I'd suggest to use an existing open source auto pilot that interfaces with a standard RC receiver, then either use an arduino (e.g. pro mini) to generate RC-type PPM (or PWM) from bluetooth input or hack into the auto pilot code to read in the bluetooth commands as serial input instead of RC receiver's pulses.

@blimpway could you please explain me in detail about what to do?This is the first time i have heard about open source autopilots.Thank you

I have not yet started the build but i have some of the parts with me like the arduino uno and the Bluetooth module(HC-05).

The HC-05 has a reliable range of 10m in line of sight.

10m would be enough for my small scale drone.
I just need some help for writing the code.I am making 'X' type quadcopter.

@blimpway could you please explain me in detail about what to do?This is the first time i have heard about open source autopilots.Thank you

Google Ardupilot - it is an open source, arduino based auto pilot for small flying robots.

There are others too.

Most of them interface by default with standard RC receivers traditionally used to control RC aircraft.

What your arduino-based receiver needs to do is to replace the RC receiver, by producing RC-receiver's output from data received via Bluetooth.

Another approach is to get through Ardupilot code to identify the libraries used to decode RC receiver signal and write a different library with the same API that decodes bluetooth serial codes received from phone application.

I don't know how much more detail I could explain, there are some good autopilot/ UAV forums where people are more knowledgeable about this kind of stuff.


Ardupilot is great!But i think it will be quite out of my budget.

I need help to write the code for controling 4 esc's with 1 arduino. Most of the websites and vedios have the code for controlling only 1 esc with a potentiometer. But I need to control them via bluetooth. Can anyone please teach me how to write the code, Thank you.


Ardupilot is great!But i think it will be quite out of my budget.

What budget are you talking about? I've seen some clones at $30 on aliexpress.
How much cheaper do you think will be yours with IMU and pressure sensors?
How do you imagine your pilot software will perform compared with a result of several years of refinement code of quite knowledgeable programmers?

What budget are you talking about? I've seen some clones at $30 on aliexpress.
How much cheaper do you think will be yours with IMU and pressure sensors?
How do you imagine your pilot software will perform compared with a result of several years of refinement code of quite knowledgeable programmers?

I live in India, here the ardupilot is around Rs2, 500. The whole quadcopter would cost me around Rs. 4000 (Excluding ardupilot). I have almost bought everything, the only thing i need now is the code. Please, i need help to write the code.
Thank you

Duplicate topic deleted.

Do not cross-post, cross-posting wastes time.

So basically what you say is
"yeah that yhing is great - well designed, long time developed and tested, sources freely available, but I wont pay $40. I want someone that considers it's time is worth less than $40, to write me the same code"